My short lived manufactoring plant romance with an older woman that could never be coming soon. eeek

On second thought with the recent failure of the VA system to help me get into school for this semster im feeling pretty down and shafted, gonna hold off this story for awhile.
sounds interesting
Ill give houston one good remark though, it had its share of the sophisticated "elite" crowd and good places for them to go for a good time.

There was this one place, ill never forget it. Scott Gertners "Skybar". A priemum jazz club, on the top floor of a nice high rise office building. I went there after a good friend recommended it to me,...
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yeah we want to visit texas eventually on our way back home to louisiana. Im doing travel nursing and we are gonna stay out in california for another year maybe 2 then we will try to start traveling back home.
I am a bit lonely these days, makes it real hard to focus on anything. My energy and motivation is low, and i cant really concentrate on doing any type of activity that is completly solitary. If i do, i get depressed and cant put for the effort for a quaility product. Ive been fighting this nasty little event since i got out of the...
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i am alot like you, in the way that i never fit in. I have a really hard time making friends, lucky for me my husband is the social one who makes the friends. But you should definitly find some friends on here, It is a really cool place. Just try to watch what you say at first some people can be really mean to new people.... How far is monteray from los angeles?
Ive never used that message thing its new, I mostly just use this thing here... :o)

so thats cool you sent me my first message
So ill admit it!!!!!!!!

Im a foot lover!

Well, only a female foot lover, and mostly only lighter skin pigmentations. Why? The color contrast. The fundamental philosphy behind what i find attractive is contrast, the larger the contrast between areas on their body, and between my body and theirs, and their personaility is the more ill find them attractive.

So with the womans foot, painted...
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It all started with this silly little pilot combat game, sky-gunner. Until this time i was relatively ignorant of France, and its francophone countries. However, some part of me did love ; almost reminensce of the romantic culture of the 1900's-1950. Perhaps i just watched too many World War 2 social movies, and I love lucy episodes. Whatever the case, i found the french themed...
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Je ne sais pas s'il en est de plus blonde
Mais de plus belle il n'en est pas pour moi
Elle est vraiment toute la joie du monde
Ma vie commence ds que je la vois
Et je fais : Oh !
Et je fais :Ah !

C'est si bon
De partir n'importe o
Bras dessus bras dessous
En chantant des chansons

C'est si bon...
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So the place in live now is hilly. Very Hilly. I love this for the simple reason that at each point of elevation and angel you get a different view of the landscape, and being near the beach , it can get very dramatic. Downright beautiful at times. Also, it makes for some killer runs and roadmarches, totally working out your thighs and calves. One...
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Sometimes, sometimes i do feel embarassed to be male. We have all the power to be much better then we are but we chose not too. We opress, we belittle, we destroy, we kill, we enslave, we ignore and fail to realize we have had someone there alongside us for the longest time who wishes us only the best.


A person so close yet...
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In reflection one particular area has been sensitive to me, women and erotica. Its a grey area and much like a mine field in terms of respect and seperation from lusting after the womans body as a piece of meat rather then her whole enitiy.

It is entirely possible to view a naked , erotic woman; ie strip clubs and the like and still respect her as who she is and what she looks like. More effect on the viewers part must be given to remember that she is a human being with her own mind, fears and desires. Educating yourself on her art and who she is makes respecting her easier and enjoying what she is doing better.

I am an avid erotica and strip club visitor; voyuer. At the same time i appreciate what the girls do and hold them to high esteem for doing so, also understanding some of the girls dont respect themselves and fall prey to nefarious men. ( and women ) These girls i care for and given the oppurturnity try to understand what makes them feel so little of themselves. I dont try to save them no, but give them insight on someone who does respect what they do.

I remember there was this one strip club in nashville i frequented; and began to be recognizable to the girls and management staff, and i earned a well place among them. Free door fees, halved admission prices when appropriate, free drinks and discounted lap dances i began to enjoy due to how i treated the staff, the girls and how i presented myself.

There were three girls in particular that -really- got to know and like me, its amusing to see their face light up when i came and they recognized me. I cant wait until i can find another strip club to settle down and and make a name for myself.

-Torie Patterson
Sometimes being extreamly unique really does suck. Not having a general "Theme" to a personaility inhibits me from really settling down with a type of people to establish an identity within that community.

Or perhaps i just live in the wrong place at the wrong time. Its hard to meet people around here, my age bracket is the rare type, old and young people are...
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So i made a vow to myself.

I made a vow to go aginst the fundamental basis of male sexuaility and attitude. I am actively choosing to avoid beautiful women. For as long as we have existed men have been slaves to our eyes, to a figure with which we deem sexuaily pleasing and good to us.

My best and closest friend has already made...
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Yeah i know it sounds like a load of horseshit, but its worth a try to actually try to find attraction to the opposite of what our mainstream soceity deems "attractive". Hell this means i cant really talk to anyone on this board. blackeyed