Thought this might be nice for my legions of curious followers (awkward laughing)

1. Do you like bleu cheese ? Absolutely NOT

2. Coke or Pepsi ? Coke

3. Do you own a gun ? No. I'm Australian and we don't do that shit

4. What flavor Kool-Aid ? No idea what that is

5. What do you think of hot dogs ? They are...
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Not the girls but the action of.

I have yet again been greatly saddened and disappointed by the suicide of yet another person I admired greatly.
I refer to the death of author and chef Anthony Bourdain. I have been a huge fan of his writing and tv shows for many many years and his passing had brought sadness to my heart once more and...
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So for the past 6 weeks I have been doing Boxing/cardio sessions 3 or 4 times a week and I'm really enjoying it. I decided to give up drinking and weed and have been following a low carb meal plan that is made up of pretty normal foods and is pretty easy to stick to. So far I have lost about 20 pounds and can...
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The vast majority of my friends circle are all pretty much the same age (within a year or so) and there are no single people left. I like being social and enjoy the company of others (most of the time) and go out whenever we can. My wife and I live about 2 hours out of the city and the vast majority of the friends...
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With kids, a lot f priorities in life shift, and the focus goes on the kids, asking advice about kids, giving advice about kids, telling and listening to stories about kids.  People talk about things they have in common and that interest them.  Tons of my friends are the same way.  Try expanding your friend circle.  Meet people that you have more in common with.  You can also speak with you closest friends about what you feel is happening, and see how they see it.
No spawnlings in our house, both for medical reasons,as well as personal choice. Often though, people's lives tend to revolve around their children after they have them. I've noticed that the conversation topic of choice for these people also gravitates towards children, and it may be as simple as that they don't feel like you can contribute to this type of conversation without having some of your own. If you feel strongly enough about it, you can always ask them, but it might be easier to locate new friends who share your child free philosophy.

Saturday night (Australian time) was the Royal Wedding of Harry and Megan.

As a citizen that is part of the British empire, I was very excited to see this beautiful event. I had some friends over, we lit a small bon fire (it's winter over here) had some champagne and a traditional English meal. We all enjoyed ourselves and took great pleasure in judging the...
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I've noticed that frequently, that US people on average don't even bother looking further than their own nose way more often than other nations

So in order to get into the closed groups, I apparently have to have blogs.
so here is a blog about facebook .

I’m 34 so have had facebook since it started and have been deep in social media since the MySpace days. Got facebook when I was 20 and quickly accumulated all the people I knew from high school and also other friends and...
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I don't think anyone needs Facebook to connect. You can use any chat app for that...I mostly use telegram to talk to friends and discuss meetings and matters and barely ever check Facebook feed