I'm really upset that your last set didn't turn you pink. Β Please don't give up. Β You're so lovely. Β SG would be lacking without you.

Really? She is perfect in every way!Β 

From sleuth


I felt compelled to stop by your page and tell you that I think you're absolutely gorgeous! Hope you're having a good day!Β 

That's so sweet of you, thank you for thinking of me lovely!! πŸ’•Β 

Firstly, I just wanna say you are insanely pretty. Also, I was curious as to when your next set is due? (at least I think you have one in the queue??? I could be thinking of someone else, if so I'm sorry). Anyway, have a lovely rest of your day

From jacinto2


To be sure, you are that "willowy" blond, running through every school boy's (& girl's) dreams. Some of us love the pictures of HER, but care enough to want to know, & support YOU. I hope, you count me, in that number.

From jacinto2


It is only bad to be an icon, when you forget who you really are. That's what happened to Marilyn.

From yellow6


Really baby.... Β you are truly AMAZING!!!! Gorgeous ... sexy .... "perfect" (at least to me ;) Β Β 
