♥ i have spent some time labouring over the perfect (to me) summer mix, and here she is!

click the photo to hear the mix--and the track list is below.
♥ do you have any essential summer songs you want to share with me?
♥ did i tell you all i've been working as a florist? it's a delight, for sure. there are worse days to be spent than those in a fragrant shop surrounded by blossoming flowers. and damn, people are always so happy to be buying them! did i mention there is some serious people-watching outside my store? daaaaamn, all these beautiful girls showing their skin. sets a girl to dreaming, it does.
♥ my balcony garden is coming along smashingly; i've got flowers on my tomatoes, peppers, zucchini & pumpkins, and fruit on my peas & strawberries. i have a few planters of flowers, too (and one is a jasmine plant that i got cause the smell reminds me of san diego).
♥ i'm still going strong on my 365 project. had no idea it would be this easy...
(this is my favourite outfit of recent weeks)
an impromptu celebration after one of the canucks' wins against the bruins.
ladyexxa and i classing up a graduation art show
♥ who do you have to blow to get a new profile picture around here? i have submitted a few and they keep not getting accepted. i mean, damn, i have not had a set bought in 4 years, but i didn't think picking out a profile photo that was adequate would be as difficult! DAAAAAAAMN you guys will have to look at my 2007 face for a while longer yet.
♥ to celebrate the longest day of the year, malloreigh and i are gonna go to the best beach around and have a bonfire. maybe we will drink wine and get all KARAZY, but since we are both on post-playoffs booze bans, we will probably take it super easy. and she is going to teach me how to ride a fixie. that shit is intimidating, BUT I WILL MASTER IT
♥ i'm planning another duos set!! if time & archival status were no objection, which suicidegirl would you like to see me do one with?
HOLY HYACINTH, you guys. i meant to show you photos of my new sewing stuff but it's getting late and i must watch some buffy before i go to bed. as a treat, you know! i deserve it because i worked a craft market today and didn't sell as much as i wanted. by the way: CHECK MY SHIT OUT. besides what i've got on etsy, i looooove doing custom orders. send me your ideas for a necklace, coin purse, patch, pin, iphone/kindle/kobo cozy and i will work some crazy sewing mojo for you.