Someone I know here in Winnipeg was murdered over the weekend.

disabled man dies after beating

Sorry, I'm just not in the mood to talk about this now. frown
It is 2 months in to Spring here. A number of years recently, this was the hottest week of the year, with temperatures above about 90F. This year, though, the weather has been so odd that instead the forecast low tonight is 30F, with widespread frost expected.

Just what the farmers needed on top of the rain and record high flooding here.

Weather. You can't...
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So are you saying the useless knowledge that I somehow have retained over the years is even more useless than I had thought?
Dammit! How dare they!
Not much of interest happened in January.

My spiro (anti-androgen) seems to be interacting with my anti-depressant. I had a number of days where I worked long hard hours and was mentally very sharp, quickly solving problems in fields of science I don't know anything about. I get that way sometimes when I am coming off an anti-depressant. Unfortunately the long hours destroyed my sleep...
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I agree! SG is a great place to learn.
Thank you for your feed back on my blog smile
Not so much going on here these days, except that my wife is melting down more frequently and harder as her mother's Alzheimer's gets worse. And she won't talk to professionals to get (e.g.) grief counseling, so she explodes with anger and resentment. But she has at least completely given up the idea of having her mother here (living with us) until some clear medical...
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clap, clap!
Wow that sounds stressful...I'm sorry. Yeah not a whole lot is new with me except me and my boyfriend both got fired the other day now i don't know how we're going to pay our bills...
As long as I'm bitching: a pet peeve of mine:

Automated "press a number" customer service systems that force you to lie because what you want to do is outside the scope of what the company normally expects.

For example, today I called up a company to tell them to take me off their advertising list. I was with them before, and they've been sending...
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no, I mean like this.
There are actually a bunch of Japanese treats around my city as well, but the issue is I can't get anything specific. It's more like "whatever you can find" sort of deal, and usually that doesn't include much in the way of azuki-flavouring.
With a bit of help from the support team, I was able to get a payment through the system, so though my account did end up closed for a few hours, I am back!

In the end, I did end up buying myself a "gift" account so the card company would see it as a regular "purchase" instead of as a "recurring payment". Figured I...
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Sorry I haven't been around much. I was most active at a time when it looked very likely that my wife and I would break up; once we specifically decided to try to stay together, a lot of my time / emotional resources have been spent working on that.

Also, I joined facebook and started connecting to my relatives (most of whom I barely know...
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I haven't had much to say for a few months. Still don't.

I live, I survive, nothing is going very well, nothing is going horribly. Purgatory,

My wife and I aren't fighting any more, but we progress on "us" is very very slow. We did get care-givers in (for her mother) on weekend afternoons, so we at least get some time "together": sometimes we manage...
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A lot to consider.
I am so sorry to hear that the mom in law is deteriorating. Iknow the timing is bad, but your wife probably needs to get lost in something that isn't emotionally taxing. I am as always hoping it works out for the best.
Found out through my wife's facebook page today that she has signed up for another online course. The last one was very intense, 60% of that class dropped out. I'm proud that my wife got an A+ on that earlier course -- but she has a crisis on her hands at home and it is inappropriate for her to hide in intense work... especially when I've given up nearly everything in order to be available to support her. Going out. The volunteer work I used to do. Leisurely shopping by myself for whatever. Most reading. Computer gaming. Backed out of the online support forums I was on to help me deal with my issues -- all gone so that I could be available and so she wouldn't feel like I was leaving her stuck at home by herself with her mother. But somehow it's okay for her to go ahead and get involved in things that are going to take a lot of her time without even talking to me about it first.

I haven't talked to my wife about the online course yet; hasn't been time yet.
The elbow problem was, by the way, not enough to dent my new-found good mood.

My wife and I, with regret on both sides, on Sunday morning decided that separating (after 14 years) was the only thing that made logical sense. But we've recently discovered really talking to each other, and although throughout the day, we re-confirmed that separation was the only thing that made...
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I might see if I can afford to renew it in a few weeks. I just can't spend any more money, I'm supposed to be diligently saving to move in 2 weeks. tongue

And it's good that you and your wife have decided to try and work through difficulties. smile I hope things improve.
I know, it's a miracle! tongue Wheeee!