filthy dirty smutty storytime

Got a juicy story you want to share about your latest sexual encounter? Do you just want to live vicariously through the filthy dirty smutty sex lives of others? Maybe you need a little supplement to all the sexy sets on the site- maybe personal accounts just really get you …

spooky & macabre

Spooky, creepy, dark stuff; paranormal; occult; and lots more! Some threads not for the faint of heart! NO SET PROMOTION TOLERATED AT ALL. THAT IS AN INSTANT BAN! DON'T MESSAGE ME IF YOU WERE BLOCKED BECAUSE THAT IS MOST LIKELY WHY. If anyone gets blocked for any other reason, I …


A club for the horror kids, since there are ever so many of us around. No particular era, genre, or medium. Talk about Lovecraft and Barker, Vincent Price and Tobe Hooper, or Resident Evil and F.E.A.R.


Anything to do with photography, digital or analog. technical discussion, photoshop tips, post your photos for critique, links to and discussion of photographers you love. a catch all group for everything photographic. @Nebula and @Geekyfox are the current group owners. Please address any questions or concerns there. THIS IS NOT …

girls only

IF YOU'RE TOO DUMB TO READ THE RULES, YOU CAN'T BE IN THE GROUP. Rules: BE FEMALE - I will check, so don't waste my time. Have an active account/journal for at least 1 month, & have pics, friends, comments, etc. (If you are an SG, just apply and you …

hopefuls only

A private group for SG Hopefuls ONLY! Please read the "Welcome, Please Read Me!" thread before posting!

lit club

For those who love to read, and talk about it. Any author, any genre... discuss it!