Why am I so fucking depressed lately? I need to get laid. I think that is really what is bothering me.

I no longer have friends. Why? Because I made it that way.

My sister said, maybe by the time you get married you will like men. Thats like me saying, maybe if you jump out of an airplane and your parachute doesnt deploy you...
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Life always turns around. Ride the highs, ride out the lows.

How confused is that guy now?? Did I make her a lesbian??
shit happens and life goes on.dont worry bout nythin things will always get better no matter how dark they seem to be at the moment.
Roller coaster.

Why do people continue to ride a ride that only makes them sick? I love my best friend. I stand back and watch her get crushed, thrown out, dragged back in and the vicious cycle repeats itself. There comes a time where I just can't stand to watch it happen anymore - living in the gray area. Like the pirate ship that goes...
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I am my biggest contradiction. Whenever I say "I am not" there is something inside of me that churns into "I am." I have taught myself to no longer have limitations because they become goals, subconsciously. What I am trying to say is... don't say that you would never do something or someone. It is an automatic curse. It's like the universe knows what you...
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I feel the same way and completely agree with you... you cant fight your destiny, its a lost cause.