Que soy una ingrata, por desaparecer, por perderme, por no mantenerme. Pero resulta que siempre regreso a los lugares (y personas) donde me gusta estar y puedo ser yo misma. Por eso estoy aquí, diciendo HOLA a todos, hola Comunidad SG, hola mundo, hola nuevo año.

Qué bueno que cada día es una nueva oportunidad!

Espero este año traiga cosas buenas a todos ustedes, y...
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Gran fotos.  Que bonita!

Desearía despertar al lado de alguien que me saque fotos desde que levanto, me estiro, hago desayuno, voy al baño, me ducho, meriendo, me visto, etc etc etc... hasta que me acuesto a dormir. Haríamos tremendo equipo y todos enloquecerían con lo que podamos llegar a hacer.

Sé que hay alguien indicado para mí, en algún lugar del mundo, esperando encontrarme; que saque lo mejor...
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Good night, beautiful people, who have wonderful dreams and who, even when they wake up, continue dreaming. "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one", like the song... I'll fall asleep thinking what I'll do tomorrow to be closer to fulfilling my dreams... Kisses and love!

Really nice blog.
Sweet dreams
I'm a little shocked. Now that I'm officially Hopeful and I can see the sets of each girl, I realized that I had no idea how to make my first set. While it is in hand with my photographer @deoxan who helped me create the idea and guided me from beginning to end, I can appreciate not posing like a real SuicideGirl. Although it was...
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that's my girl!!! you're gonna kill it isa!!
Yeah!! My deox! <3

This is my last free Monday. From now on my time is shortened, due to work issues, but I hope to take advantage of my time in productive things, including photos and more photos. Love!

Thanks for info. Wensdays are fun. Sundays are really cool. Good days to post.
Good. Thanks for info too!

My native language is Spanish, since I was born, and I always lived in Venezuela. So I may write sometimes in English, and sometimes in Spanish. It depends on my mood, haha.

The truth is that I need to master English; my new ally will be the translator.