I just had one of the most upsetting dreams in my lifetime. It involved random people I have once known and multiple places. Among the places involved were a very small trailer, my old bedroom at my old home which was extremely messy and full of old photographs, wal-mart while I was wearing nothing but a pair of tighty whitey underpants, and Los Angles.

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Yesterday, on MeetMe.com, I received a friend request from a person in the nearby small town of Waverly, who happened not have a single picture of their self anywhere on their profile. After I accepted their friend request, they immediately sent me a message, asking, "How tall are you?" to which I replied, "Compared to a lot of people, I am short." They responded to...
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I think that an important part of the human experience is to humble yourself as years go along.

An important example for myself is to admit that I possess flaws that would be considered unfavorable. For example, I used to get overly upset over rejection, and even when a woman that I honestly had NOTHING in common with would give me the cold shoulder after...
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You could shit gold.
I find beauty in everything you do.
The lesser effort never lessens the reward.
I might not understand but still love it too.

You can break any so-called rule.
Maybe I have no taste, maybe I'm a fool.
Your honesty inspires shock, but awe.
You hide no detail of everytime you fail.

... You somehow know what I feel.
Maybe you...
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Warning! I am about to make a status update that some might consider controversial. But please understand that I just spent today working a double shift and, with nobody interested in having a conversation, I was just looking up an incicent from last year called "Elevatorgate." The topic in question has to do largely with the topic of feminism and what is considered making a...
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There is a meme I just saw that stated, "If moms ran the world, there would be no war." and I honestly must say that I can't agree. While, traditionally, mothers are supposed to be caring and nurturing and father's are supposed to be tough and unemotional, it is over a decade into the 21st century. There are plenty of fathers who can express stereotypically...
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Jersey Shore is being canceled??? NOOOOOOO!!!!! What the world really needs with these harsh times is a pointless TV show with despicable, talentless, and shallow people with tans that could reek of melanoma, who do nothing but shout at each other, go to dance clubs, and set horrible stereotypical portrayals of Italian Americans and the most horrific role model stances since Paris Hilton!!! Life will...
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One type of person I have never understood is the hipster libertarian. I have met them at parties and can't quite understand such a paradox of a person. How can you smoke weed, dress with an indie style, have gay friends or be bisexual, and still have such a boner for Ron Paul and Ayn Rand? On UrbanDictionary.com I found this article which perfectly describes...
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I should be sleeping, but with my thirst for information and interesting media, I just watched youtube clips of old episodes of Oprah Winfrey's show from the 1980s. One was about Dead Kennedy's lead singer Jello Biafra, the PMRC, Tipper Gore, and the effect of music and entertainment on teenagers. The other was about skinhead neonazi groups with ideals of segregation and violence to attain...
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Great conclusion !!
Aliens aren't gonna want us for anything, not even to be their pets: humans are too idiot!

Have a nice day smile
I remember this popular meme that was going around for a while that talked from a woman's perspective, saying something along the lines of "Of course I'm not a bone-thin supermodel, I'm a woman and I have curves."

Well, I've just invented one for men: "I'm a man. But I don't obsess over sports and beer. Who cares about the states of Michigan and Ohio...
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I agree with you: fuck off categories!!
Hell yeah!!!