
that is what i am. totally fucking clueless. damnit i hate not knowing... its like walking down the road, there is a guy in front of you that just asked you a question... and you dont know the answer, you think its on the tip of your tongue but you cant say it.. and you can never catch up to the guy that asked...
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Never lay down!
Took a trip to cincinati... had a great time, went up to see my oldest friend. We went out to a show with a female friend of his. She was extremly excited to see this band and i was feed up with shows. seen to many with no real good music. got there as the first band was rapping it up, just in time for...
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All that and you didn't say what they are called. Did you? I'm going to reread your entry.
Well i am now back home, love being back home. But i am anxious and tend to not want to be still. Trying to do evrything at once and getting nothing done besides getting back in touch with old friends... But thats one of the best parts right?

Take your time. You've got plenty of it. It'll all come together soon enough. Catching up with your friends is def one of the most important things you could be doing in my opinion. Happy New Year.
at least you came back! biggrin
I am getting scared. So few days and so much left to get done. Race the clock is all i can do now, with no motivation and no wheels i am treading water here it feels like. I am so small standing next to my "to do" list nowadays heh. blah blah blah, just had to get that out... Onward to victory! Sally forth !...
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get going damn it! biggrin
Yea so... i have grand news.. in 23 days from now my time of servitude will be over and done. so i am a happy camper for the time beiing. atleast as happy as i can be. soon as those 23 days are up and i am on the road ill be a much happier person. We all need fresh new begining from time to...
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Good Luck, I know you'll get it all done in time! I think it's so great that you'll be home in time for the holidays. (your family must be thrilled)

I bet you can't wait to get out of this nasty horrible icky weather as well. I envy you that.

Be in touch!
Ill be damned... i bet ever one has forgotten bout lil ol me i assume. Not much in the way of change i am afraid. Still utterly hoplessly unmotivated. I did quit drinking thou, been sober for 2 months roughly minus 2 nights.... yea yea. Only quit cause i was getting to drinking to much and felt like a break. Should i ever start back...
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Well look who's back. Hopefully you won't make us wait a million years again to hear from you. I'm awfully glad you posted. There are those of us out here in computer land who worry. So every day that passes is a day closer to being the hell out of there right? And you could be in some good forsaken desert where your ass could get blown off at a moments notice so maybe you're doing alright after all.

The up-shot of slowly disappearing into nothingness is from there you really can come back as anything you want. Not so for people all stuck in their habits and married to their egos. One day you're gonna look back at all of this and think "man that really fucking sucked." But you'll be looking BACK at least. Take it easy fella.

I bought a fish but I haven't yet found a bicycle small enough for him. How are you making out?
Have i been absent?
or just not around?

ethier way, my motivation is shot to shit. gettin up is a chore.. and i think my brain is turnig to mush. my plans are a little of the tracks right now, but will be back on soon as i can get around to straighting this horse shit i call a life out.
questions to answer, problems...
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[Edited on Oct 18, 2004 6:14PM]
a drastic change to my life maybe forthcoming... i am 80% sure i will go thru with my plans. It seems to side track one of my more prominent dreams but in reality i would say it hastens me towards it. i must make phonecalls and think hard about this. but at the moment i am writing this i will do it. a change of...
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You can't do that! What are you talking about? Are you going to leave the country? Tell, tell, tell! tongue
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la... kerplow ! splat ! boom ! bang ! kersplunk ! voom ! .... EEEP!!! yea i think i may be bored. yet i have stuff to do. woe is me ! where has my motivation gone !!!!
Hiya Doll, Long time. How's things? miao!!
How do you celebrate Memorial Day in the service? It seems like it would be a slightly more somber affair than out here in civilian land where it's all about parties.
well... its been a long time and i know this, i just been needin a break i suppose.

i bought a CAR !... getting plates and insurance for it soon.. hmm other than that i got nothing new. i am going home hopefuly soon thou. much needed vacation for lil ole me!
been very pissed off lately... stuff just building up and making me want...
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Blah Blah Blah.... Nothing new to speak of. Is there ever anything new going on in my life?!?! Gah. I have been a bit antisocial lately. very much so actually. But just wanted to let anyone who cared to know i am still alive and as wel as can be expected. till next time.

Hey Sugar. Sometimes no news is good news. I've got enough change going on for both of us so don't you worry. Every uneventful day that passes puts you one day closer to freedom. miao!!
just passing by and saying hello.... how are you doing doll? well hope all is well!
well... looks like i might be getting a car soon smile .... nothing great but its still a car and i really could care less what it looks like. 400bucks for it so. as long as it runs i dont care .
hmm what else..
well nothing really, bout to go buy some booze and get drunk while i do laundry so ill be back later...
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Are you back yet? I'm glad to hear you are getting a car. I can imagine what a HUGE difference that is going to make in your life. I'm guessing at the very least you'll get to skate a lot more and maybe remember what it's like to just be you. It's good timing right now with the change of season and all. The whole world around you is experiencing a new beginning, a rebirth if you will? Why not us D? Why not us.... wink
It's not a bad movie. Not by a longshot. It's just not great.

And yes, still no picture. Prolly none coming any time soon, either. I think people know well enough by now not to rely on me. wink