This is a short one today.
You know what movie I find truly inspiring?
The Exorcist.


Because if that is real, if demons are real, if hell and horror are real. Then the gods are real, paradise and miracles are real, hope is real.

"And if there is a Hell, and those sons-of-bitches are from it, then there has got to be a Heaven,...
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Hello all, no scathing political or social commentary. "I'm too tired, too old, I'm too fucking blind" to quote Pacino. I look around, I look around, and I see a lot of old, familiar faces and old familiar places.

Goddamn, but I hate it. At this point I'm ready for the apocalypse; something, ANYTHING, to replace this soul-crushing atmosphere of blindness and blandness.

I'm talking...
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'We are all wired into a survival trip now. No more of the speed that fueled that 60's. That was the fatal flaw in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America selling "consciousness expansion" without ever giving a thought to the grim meat-hook realities that were lying in wait for all the people who took him seriously... All those pathetically eager acid freaks who thought...
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"You hear about some kid who did something stupid, something desperate; what possessed him? How could he do such a terrible thing? Well, it's really quite simple, actually. Consider the life of a teenager - you have parents, teachers telling you what to do, you have movies, magazines and TV telling you what to do, but you know what you have to do. Your job,...
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Fuck very well put and I see it exactly the same way you put it in words I could never tangle together with such dedication and honesty. This world has become lost within it self and only a token few can see it Being able to trudge through the shit the see how it truley is

So, Phil Hoffmon cacked it. They found him in his bathroom....
...with a needle in his arm.

So, first thought that comes to mind?


You had everything! Loved ones, a fulfilling career, security, health. You knew the sublime pleasure of going to bed every night NOT wondering how you were going to make it through the day.

"Oh but he was on...
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So, Phil Hoffmon cacked it. They found him in his bathroom....
...with a needle in his arm.

So, first thought that comes to mind?


You had everything! Loved ones, a fulfilling career, security, health. You knew the sublime pleasure of going to bed every night NOT wondering how you were going to make it through the day.

"Oh but he was on...
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And I sit here
Surrounded by books I cannot read.
Films I cannot watch.
Games I cannot play.
Despair has crept under the cover of her sister boredom.
And in the latest parts of the night
I am forced to ask
"How did it come to this?"


Warning: If you are easily shocked or disturbed or offended by descriptions of extreme violence and generally psychotic behavior do NOT read any further.

However, if there those amongst you who

A. have a healthy respect for payback,

B. who qualify as "Red Lanterns" (you know who you are)

C. or who watched "The Crow" and thought "Yeah, that pretty much sums up my views...
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I have thoughts of massacring my work colleagues on a daily basis my friend. U are not alone. Buddha says to forgive. I say feck that. Some believe in karma. Some believe in god. I trust in Dexter.  :)  I spend my life angry and pissed off, it's not a problem it actually aids me in functioning. It drives me to get up the morning.  It's drives me to make see that the feckers won't grind me down and will not win. My will is stronger than there will. I sincerely hope u find another job soon and ur family does not suffer as a result of this. If I lost my job I don't know what I would do.  It sucks, use ur anger to help u focus, to help Strive to prove them wrong and show them ur resolve and true grit :)
Thank you.  That you understand means more to me than you know.

My wife got me a copy of the Carol Burnett show on DVD for as a Yule present. She was appalled that I had never heard of it before. Laughter didn't feature a lot during my formative years, but I digress.

Just got done watching the last few episodes. They were filmed in 1976. She, Carol, is currently 80.

And I would hop into her...
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So I'm laying about starkers tonight and, naturally, I thought of the SG. It occurs to me I've been neglecting my social obligations for those who possess the questionable taste to follow my blog, but okay. I wanted to share something demented: this weekend was a disaster; it involved my beloved spouse and the kind of logic that began to spawn ideas like "Does one's...
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Starting a new job tomorrow. Pretend I'm 'normal'; I'll settle for 'human'. It's so bizarre, all my life I've fought against conformity, sometimes to the point of physical violence and injury growing up (I grew up in Maine, trust me; conforming was a bad idea) and now I find that I cannot seem to keep myself afloat out in the "real world". I know that...
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This is something I posted on Radeo's thread earlier; shouldn't be terribly difficult to find.

"A suggestion for future tellings: you may wish to forgo posting any kind of images (specifically those of the deliriously attractive: I.E. yourself) when putting up something of such depth and emotional resonance. Do you know how difficult it is to understand and embrace such an insightful and thought-provoking idea...
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