It has been a long time since I've posted and updated on here. So many life changes and battles that have been faced over the last year. To make a very long story short, my CRPS flared back up and many of you may remember the fundraiser we did in 2011 to help me undergo the treatments that my insurance would not cover. Well, I had the ketamine infusion therapy, it didn't work. I also went through a new treatment for CRPS called IVIg or immunoglobulin IV infusion. It is commonly used for immuno-deficiency conditions and cancer. It also failed. After 25 1/2 years of dealing with this monster and non stop pain, I have decided to go through amputation. Sometime this month or the beginning of October, I will have surgery to remove my left leg from above my knee. My fiance Jim has started another fundraiser because of the extreme financial burden it has put on me. The IVIg isn't covered by my insurance and is roughly $10,000 per infusion. They do not cover a wheelchair, crutches, assistance devices and many of the medications either. So far we have raised enough for the wheelchair, crutches have been donated and so have the many devices needed for safety. We have not only raised money to help me, but also we have raised awareness of CRPS, had an electric wheelchair donated that I didn't need and we were able to get the wheelchair from SoCal to NorCal to a woman who needed it really bad, and we have also started preparations to build a foundation to help others in need. I was also interviewed by our local news channel here in Portland KATU this last week. I am reaching out to you all here on Suicidegirls for your help. I am asking if you could please help me raise awareness and to share my fund page to not only help me, but to also raise awareness of CRPS. So many are affected by this monster, 50,000 new cases each year to be exact. When you think about it, there are about 60,000 new cases of Parkinson's each year, 10,000 new cases of MS
and roughly 50 million Americans living with Fibromyalgia, and we all hear about them every day, yet we never hear about CRPS. There is no cure, barely any successful treatments and out of almost every disease CRPS has the highest suicide rate because the pain peaks out as the highest most painful thing one can go through.
I am reaching out to all of you because of pure desperation...again. Many have seen me go through this already, but this is the worst it has ever been. Literally exhausting every treatment available, besides amputation, I have no other option besides to just go home and live on pills that don't do anything, but make me incoherent. Please help me raise awareness and share these pages. I cannot tell you in words how much it will help and can change one's life. Here are the links:
Give Forward Fund Page:
Libby Oh's Leg Up Fund
Facebook Fund Page:
Libby Oh's Leg Up Fund Facebook
The KATU Interview:
KATU Interview Video
Recent pictures:
Thank you all for reading! Please share if you can. Donations are always appreciated. I will continue to update here, the fund pages and all emails and messages that come through. The fund email is
So much love, thanks and hugs to you all for reading and sharing.
Awareness is the key!

and roughly 50 million Americans living with Fibromyalgia, and we all hear about them every day, yet we never hear about CRPS. There is no cure, barely any successful treatments and out of almost every disease CRPS has the highest suicide rate because the pain peaks out as the highest most painful thing one can go through.

I am reaching out to all of you because of pure desperation...again. Many have seen me go through this already, but this is the worst it has ever been. Literally exhausting every treatment available, besides amputation, I have no other option besides to just go home and live on pills that don't do anything, but make me incoherent. Please help me raise awareness and share these pages. I cannot tell you in words how much it will help and can change one's life. Here are the links:
Give Forward Fund Page:
Libby Oh's Leg Up Fund
Facebook Fund Page:
Libby Oh's Leg Up Fund Facebook
The KATU Interview:
KATU Interview Video
Recent pictures:

Thank you all for reading! Please share if you can. Donations are always appreciated. I will continue to update here, the fund pages and all emails and messages that come through. The fund email is
So much love, thanks and hugs to you all for reading and sharing.
Awareness is the key!

Drastic as it is I'll hope that amputation works for you.
My kid sister and a friend of mine both deal with
Stay strong.
I'm not sure where you live but there's a good chance there is something similar in your area, if you're in the US (which I assume you are.)