I have Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, a chronic and very painful disease of the nerve involving central and peripheral nervous systems. For over 23 years, I have been living with severe dibilitating pain, in and out of wheelchairs and crutches, in and out of hospitals, etc. Undergoing many procedures & surgeries on top of being on nearly 400 different kinds of medications to battle my symptoms, not much has helped except for the implantation of a spinal column stimulator. Unfortunately my recent and 5th surgery to repair the implant failed, so it's back to the drawing board. Since the surgery I had didn't work, my only two options are to take part in research that unfortunately doesn't come free because of the lack of funding or I could be on over 10 different medications for the rest of my life. I would rather not take the latter option for financial reasons and the fact that it's not a way to live productively. I am desperately asking for help with donations and also to spread the word that I am raising money to help fund getting me into the research for a possible cure going on down in Florida/Mexico and at Stanford University. So far, the percentage of full recovery for people with CRPS/RSD after these trials has been about 75%. This is the highest recovery/cure rate for any procedure that has ever been performed. There are only 3 more available spots open, and I have until August 7th to raise $7500. This will cover my enrollment fees only. All of my resources have been depleted with having to pay out of pocket for medications that reach over $100 each. Not to mention paying out of pocket be seen by specialists around the West Coast and that hasn't come without a great deal of financial stress. There are so many of us that are going through financial turmoil and it has taking me till now to come to terms with asking for help, but I am desperate. Please feel free to post questions, ideas, concerns, anything. Also, a link to donate is up, so please feel free to repost as much as you can. Much love to you all, and I hope you all are well and enjoying summer. Thank you again!
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I hope you get better quickly.