Hello everyone! Thank you ALL so much for your love and support! I cannot believe how much you all have helped over the last couple weeks. Anyway, here's an update so far. So Wednesday I had an appointment at Stanford. Everything went good. They were once again all shocked at the sight of my leg because it has gotten so bad. This next week I have more appointments and one of them with a urologist because I still have a catheter and cannot pee on my own since I had spinal surgery. I am hoping they have better news for me than what I have so far been told. As for the fundraiser, so far $645 has been raised. That is AMAZING! With just over 2 more weeks till the deadline for the research/trial, I am now beyond stressed and nervous. Next Saturday my family and friends have decided to put on a car wash which should bring in a good portion towards $6,855 left to raise. Please keep good positive thoughts regarding this and feel free to share this with anyone. Spread the news like a wild fire. Here are the links once again to everything including the online auction that is up on Facebook now.
Pay Pal Donations
Facebook Group
Online Auction

Pay Pal Donations
Facebook Group
Online Auction

I really hope that you can get over this.
I hope you'll be ok!!