Random writings... Good times...

I look down as my foot swings forward and I begin to take the first steps, destination seemingly unknown ...anywhere but here. As my foot hits the ground I feel the cold wet concrete already starting to rub my feet raw, I guess she was right, I should have worn shoes. In those first steps I knew this would be a...
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(Long winded but whatever)

Life and Death

Let me take a moment to get philosophical with you all. I know that this isn't really my bag of blogging, but it is something that I've wanted to write about, and now I have time to really think about what I want to try and get across to you people. So, as it goes...

I'll go ahead...
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(Just giving you all a glimpse of me)

Do the persistent haunting dreams of our past always lead us to make faulty decisions based interlay on an uncomfortable awkwardness of the unknown or all to well known. Are we always going to be faced with what we hide from or shut away not wanting anyone to see the things that we fear or just don't...
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(Wrote this back in 05? Just giving you all a glimpse of me)

The mask, we all wear it. The smile we put on after our first wakening moments, the shrug thrown instead of the fist. Personally I am so sick of these kinds of acts. I know that they have prevented wars and stop fights. Yet still I find myself sickened by the frequency...
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