just moved into a new house, its really cute, small and old, but it has a lot personality and tons of potential
i really want to meet some new people...any body in the inland empire who isnt a complete and total douche bag...let me know...
my semester is over!!!!!! one more and i graduate. fuck yeah!!!!!!!!
so im in a really bad mood right now, and i find that lately i am easily taken to bad moods. im so fucking jealous of this guy that she plays wow with, and any time that i know she is playing with him or talking to him, i cant help but be in a really bad mood. its hard and i feel really bad....
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Judging by the 384 bytes of text I have to go on I'd say that you're obsessed with her. Dunno if I'd say that there's anything wrong with you, but if you don't like the behavior you're seeing then perhaps a kitty cat or something might help you. Or you could always try and meet some other folks. If you wanna do that, there's a lil get together at a bar in Redlands day after tomorrow. biggrin
so its been a while since i posted, but in general, life is good. money is not so good, but life is good. teresa and i are going to san diego this weekend and im really excited for that, i think its going to be a ton of fun. my cousins live down there and im hoping they are going to take us out and...
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so i had a great and adventurous weekend, the timeline was as follows:

10pm: at work, watching youtube videos of Stephen Lynch with Teresa
11pm: Randomly decided to look up when his next live show was, it just so happened that it was saturday night, in reno
12am: stoned in the spa, we decide to make the drive from los angeles to reno, just...
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Hahah, so THAT'S what you meant in your message to me! My weekend was pretty fucking boring next to that. (well, it was boring anyway, but that is a great story!) Glad you're not dead, that would have sucked, especially for you (unless you're like Shirley MacClain). Maybe you should get a job as a limo driver, eh? Flirty smile, big tits and a snow chain pro - are there any other qualifications?
So I realized today what my biggest frustration has been recently. Its not that she doesn't want to be with me, that is mildly upsetting, as it usually is to know that someone you really like just doesn't feel the same way. But in general I know that the sexual relationship I have with her is not a permanent situation, and that our friendship is...
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Has she come to terms with the fact that she's gay, or at least bi yet? If she hasn't, then move on. You don't need her personal crises. Let her come back to you when she's ready to admit that she likes girls. Or at least you. Otherwise, you're going to be continually frustrated because she won't give you what you need, which is unfair to you.

And yes, the emotions you're feeling right now with having no clue what you want or where to go next ARE very frustrating. It's like you're standing in the middle of the street, going, "Awright, NOW what!?" Don't forget to take some time for yourself and just let yourself relax without worrying about anything (or anyone) else. Be nice to you. wink
Old adage - in a relationship, the harder you try, the less you get in return. Odd but true - it must have something to do with trying TOO hard and getting a response where the other party backs away (think 2 positive magnets repelling each other). Welcome to our world, by that I mean the world of men who try too hard to impress a woman they long for. Humans are built stupidly - you have a better chance of increasing her affection by lowering your own. Which makes no sense. Emotions need to flow naturally and equally from person to person, otherwise you get this imbalance you're feeling right now. As much as it may pain you perhaps you should consider dialing back the affection - not just because she apparently is not dealing with it well but also to protect yourself from really getting hurt.

Emotions are a pain in the ass.
im really fucking happy!!!!! life is good...
Let's keep it that way too! We want pics of your happiness, please. The ones you've posted thus far are super-duper.
shes my valentine...and yet im no less frustrated with the situation...i really like her and most of the time it seems she really likes me...but jesus christ is she difficult to read...
Did you change your name? Are you a parakeet now? Welcome to the world of guys - you think a female is difficult for YOU to read.... Seriously, hope things are going well. Thanks for adding some new pics. As pretty as you are, anything new is always much appreciated.
so its been over a full week since i broke up with alan, i still feel really good about my decision, but boy is he making it hard for me. he kept me up til 3 in the morning last night, and all he wanted to talk about was "the future" and how he wants to take me out on "friendly dates" to show me...
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Do you think maybe she really wants to be with you but can't accept the idea that she's gay? Maybe she could use some counseling or even therapy to confront and accept her feelings? Society still puts such a guilt trip on being gay that some people can't deal with how they really feel - you think maybe that's where she is? Glad you're making the break with Alan - you're right, it should be a clean break, otherwise you're just in a different part of the same rut.
i think she does want to be with me, but i do think that it really freaks her out. society does put a huge guilt trip, and i know that her parents would not be cool with it at all and their opinion means a lot to her. i think she is starting to cope with her feelings towards me though. in the beginning i was the only one who was affectionate, and now she will randomly kiss me or hold my hand and just give general affection, even in public. so things are moving in a good direction.