Back in the day, SG had a massive social following. We used to meet up in person and party our guts out, often literally. While there were the biggest international meets (which included the chatters meets which, while quite private were no less epic,) a big part of SG for a big part of the active members was the regional meets. They were usually weekly...
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My life is fucking shit. See, I'd elaborate on this, but that'd take weeks worth of typing (yup, it was years worth of livin'.)
You know, at one time, I used to blog on here almost nightly. Then I started a family and my daily happenings weren't just my own doing, and weren't just my own affect. They were a part of a few people's...
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Back in the day I used to go into the desert and ride dirtbikes a lot. Out in the desert there are many hazards. Sometimes there's deep holes dug into the ground for no apparent reason whatsoever (usually just for an old used-up-five-years-ago bonfire pit.) Anyway, during a night's drinkin' a lot of times we'd bust out our bikes and go ridin' just so we...
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There is one other 10 year anniversary that I think is worth mentioning. 10 years ago, suicidegirls finally let an...
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FIRST Post your thoughts on the definition of 'friend' in a blog comment.
Do not edit it (well not after you've clicked the spoiler.)
Then, click the spoiler and let me know what differences you see as significant between your definition(s) and mine keeping it indifferent to our relationship, more being about your general view on friendships,...
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I'd put stuff here but I don't really have anything specific to blog about. Life's moving along. 2012 was one of the darkest years of my life. I don't want 2013 to be that dark. I'm not entirely sure how I can do that, but I'll tell you in 2014 if I was successful, what I could have done to be more successful, and...
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been a while!
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They had to fire a large portion of their police force a month or two ago and if you drive down baseline in the middle of the day (on the east side of the 215 freeway), the streets corners are packed with hoes. It's kind of awesome, actually.
And I'm not really in San Bernardino, just the county. I mean, if we wanna get technical about counties, Issue_ is in San Bernardino county

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It all started Halloween 2008. I was living in my sister's laundry room, workin'...
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Aliensheep's first comment was in response to this comment I made in his blog.
Kraven's comment is in reply to this
Kay's comment was in response to my changing my name to Lotion (and later LotION (it's more ionic))
Bitten replied to this
Kay's eyes comment is replying to this
Tita replied to this amazing comment
Taint (TheAssistant) replied to this. That picture's amazing. I'm posting it here too.

d_day replied to this, something I bet not too many people would have gotten.
Gabi replied to this.
Heep eventually got back to me about this
Cherries replied to this which I thought was hillarious.
Kobers stood on a real fucking clacier.
Jo needed windows.
This person is very beautiful.