Some are born great, some acheive greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.
12th night!
If you are major trade investor or you exercise options for your company, you report your stuff to the SEC to prevent nastiness. The information is also public domain.


This makes me cry.
FYI, following up to that discussion from a week or two ago. Before I had briefly joined that group to discuss the copyright infringement issue, I had sent an email of enquiry to the Associated Press. I just got an email back (someone's working a weekend lol). I was directed to this notice on CNN's site by someone at AP when I asked about using or quoting their content in a blog of my own.

I haven't heard anything back from the EFF yet, though their language made it pretty clear to me that copyrighted material can not be freely blogged. If/when I hear something back from them, I'll let you know what they say.

Mary Wollstonecraft said, "How can a rational being be ennobled by any thing that is not obtained by its own exertions?" And Derrida said, "If this work seems so threatening, this is because it isn't simply eccentric or strange, but competent, rigorously argued, and carrying conviction." This, of course, I direct at myself when I reflect on how many people make it possible for me,...
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People always say that there is nothing worse than becoming a zombie, but its the best thing that can ever happen to you.

When you become a zombie, your first thought (after you realize what has happened) is, What do I do? You recall something about brains (or was it flesh in general?) but youre not hungry, not that the emptiness is going anywhereyour stomach...
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love ....


[Edited on Feb 18, 2006 3:28AM]
I think Lucy, my cat, has a crush on me.

Every time I pet her, she licks my hand and bites it very softly. She then looks surprised at herself and runs away in a way that says, "I shant!" I think I'm in a weird feline version of Wuthering Heights.

Also, writing a story about going to a seminar to learn how to...
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Every time I pet her, she licks my hand and bites it very softly. She then looks surprised at herself and runs away in a way that says, "I shant!" I think I'm in a weird feline version of Wuthering Heights.

Hahahaha. I love that. biggrin

Hope you don't mind me pointing this out, but in the Harry Potter cast article, the actress is referred to twice as 'Imelda Saunton'.
-i've updated my Instant messenger thingy. It's now sgchristopher. I've usually looked down on the whole sg-prefix thing, but SG is what I use most for IM'in.
-Regina Lynn is super nice. As is qDot.
-InDesign CS2. Yeah.
-Complete the following sentence: My biggest pet peeve is
...people who have InDesign CS2 when I don't.

More seriosuly, uncultured speech or incivility. There is nothing that makes me as angry as quickly as the incivil; I put a great deal of stock in rather conservative attitued towards behaviour.
"Trying to eliminate Saddam, extending the ground war into an occupation of Iraq, would have violated our guideline about not changing objectives in midstream, engaging in "mission creep," and would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. Apprehending him was probably impossible. We had been unable to find Noriega in Panama, which we knew intimately. We would have been force to occupy Baghdad and, in...
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There is a misplaced apostrophe on the first line of my correspondance. If you could be so kind as to pass over it in your mind I would have gratitude that lasts almost forever, though likely not more than an hour.
I've read that before - it's disturbing.

Anyway, I wanted to apologize for being off the newswire for the past month. If you read my journal entry it's been a difficult month for me at school. But I'm thinking that's over with, and I can get back to work now.
After getting Virtual PC, I realize how much I love my mac and hate windows.
Thanks for the book. smile Makes my 45-minute train commutes to and from work more fun.