$3.33 Tip From californiaph
You have such a sweet spirit ✨✨✨Ciao Ciao, Marc😎
You have such a sweet spirit ✨✨✨Ciao Ciao, Marc😎
Your photos and tattoos are so gorgeous and cool!
Not sure how I missed you, but thankfully I found you!
Hell of a set ❤️🔥
Hello sexy.
I hope you might come to Worldcon 82 in Glasgow on August. The Masquerade is on Satrday.
Hey. What kind of music do you like?
great set!!!!!!
stunning sexy new set
Love your beautiful cosplay set. Pretty cosplaying girl you're gorgeous and I probably have a crush on you now. After watching this amazingly beautiful cosplay set.
Happy B-Day to you!
I love chess! =)
Spectacular back piece
Your new set is amazing 🙏 🤩
Great set ❤️
Check messages on fan-sly sweetheart