It’s 2020 and only two moths in, already mentally and physically drained myself.
The jokes on me it seems, every small step of happiness seems to be pushed back by another mental break or heart break or stupid thing I said when my brain was on fire. Truthfully my brain seems to always be on fire, angry fire, sad fire, overthinking fire. Self made black...
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Yeah I'm on the same boat too bud. My DM box is open if you want to chat, I'm all ears or eyes in this case. Anyway I do hope things will get better for you soon @freyja you're not alone. I actually recommend Youper, it's a mental health app I've been using a lot. I recommend it. I do hope things will get better for you soon mate. Sending hugs to you!!
Oh I am sorry to hear that dear. I wish I could do something to help you. Be strong. All the darkness will be gone one day. Sending you my good vibes and big hugs.