i almost did. i almost cried that moment in the car when she looked over at me with those big, childlike eyes of hers... like a little baby angel. it was close, but i knew the tears wouldn't come- i haven't been able to muster any up since childhood. i think maybe i'd already figured it out back then, maybe somewhere around the time my...
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I'd like that. You came back in time for some fantastic weather. . . . You pick the place and time.
haha.. i thought it was blazzing hot here.. then i remember what fl is like.. esp.. down there where you are.. enjoy!!
fyi- i once consecutivly missed plane flights.. like 5 or 6 of them in a row... now that takes special talents.. and i think you know what i mean by special!!
and .. if it gets to be much for you.. ya know.. me talking about the past... heads up.. if you see a sentence that starts with the word Ben.. dont read it. but i will keep writing till im over it.. writing is how i get over things alot of times... sooooooo... that said... you have fair warning.

X kiss
I wanna be a doll like the rest of you.

I want a little dolly wife and little dolly kids.

I wanna live with my little dolly wife and my little dolly kids in a little white dollhouse.

I want to raise my little dolly kids to love Jesus, and fill them up with all the prerequisite guilt of a proper Christian. And I...
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Thank you. It was great working with her, her photography is so beautiful, the way she captures colour...I just would have hoped I would be better at the modelling as it was my first shoot with a photographer, its something you have to learn though. I hope I'll get to work with her again. Isnt her new set today just perfect?
yes, that is fine with me. I'm glad you liked it.
a fraction of a fragment of a f0rmation feels itsElf die beFore it gEts to liVe.
a segMEnt of stAsis. so CoLd. STuCK. s0 coLd so cold. so al0ne. SiCK siCk. so alone. so SCREWED.
the sUck.
the sUck subliMates itself iNto cirCumsTances of sAcrifice, swallowing itsElf inside of strUcture
aS goD made a paraDigm. anD ANOTHER. ANd ANoTHER. ANd ANOTHeR.
SkYscrApErs of sHiTheaD iDiOt...
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dear alexander,
why do you have to be rude to ladies to get their attention? are you afraid that you are a ghost and they won't notice you at all. I know you didn't ask for my advice but i say you should take it easy on the caffeine and the uppers, I would like to meet you, but i'm afraid that the words you use so brilliantly on paper and screen might welt up in your throat and get stuck there in person, as it seemingly did on the phone. you never were a ghost to me.
Love, Lily
I called you back last night, maybe it was too late, i hope you had beautiful deams.
Bloodlust. The hunger. Hungry for the blood of innocence. Mine? Yours? Yes.

You fucking bitch.

Power. So pure; so dirty. I can feel the blood rushing through my veins. I love you, little girl... precious you are. You belong to me. An instrument; a toy. Your form is my fixation- your flesh, my fascination. Concentration. I want to humiliate you. I want to find the...
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Being dumb is fun? Like, ignorance is bliss?

Sometimes I feel like my life would be easier if I wasn't intelligent, or if I had no clue what's going on around me.

But, if you truly were ignorant, would you even appreciate how easy or good you have it? Because you wouldn't even know the other side of it. You wouldn't be able to tell that cold icy stare she just gave you means you don't stand a chance to enter her social circle. Or you would wish you were better qualified for a better paying job, without realizing to added responsibilities that can bring.

So I suppose then you'd have less inhibitions too. Maybe it would be good. . . .

Thanks for waking up my brain.

*edited because i'm too dumb to proofread

[Edited on Aug 04, 2005 2:45PM]
well i hope we can hang out this time sir. let me know.