...'fun' trying to shake this, but 'just a post-viral cough' per, so just rest & OTC - what OTC is good for just a wracking cough ? cough drops & nyquil aren't suppressing a thing :(

what a weird ride it's been since I the PD Rsrv training began back in late April & the 1st medical visit in 33yrs back in May...
But FINALLY that will-I/won't-I game is done and I can soon start volunteering, patrolling and serving my community

all this for ~100hrs a year volunteering ? yes - and because I had promised someone I'd look into my...
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allllright, ( finally ! ) got the approval from the Dr & cardiologist for PD Rsrv duty ... pick up & drop off the Dr's signed approval after work, then the next leg of this journey begins
...and, yes, good to know I'm of functional health levels, too, I suppose ;)
Ah, autumn/fall... what good things can I say about you...?
uhm... yeah, good things...


well, I guess you do bring us Hallowe'en and the primary horror season

but, yehhhh... that's about it

if wintertide equates to slumber and death
if springtide brings us life and regrowth
if summertide is awakening and revelation
then all autumn/fall extols is ... pain

yes, yes, say...
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"bring or wear jogging clothes or similar to your appointment" - I'm unfamiliar with, let alone own, & am assuredly not about to buy something for a one-use-appt that I'm hoping never to recur again !
just a few boards & panels blocking the sidewalk this morning...

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Heritage vs Nationality...
I'm unsure how it's become a debate when it's fairly simple and straightforward...
for example :
I was born in the US of US parentage and therefore my nationality *IS* American
my ancestry is an amalgam of Polish/German/French Canadian/Irish - this is my heritage

I define myself largely by my nationality, not my heritage, as I was raised in the American culture...
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finally feeling better after 2days of *meh* & sleeping more than I had week prior... sleeping through beautiful heat, big storms, & a couple accidents, apparently :( ...and now it's Sunday already *sighs*

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I've heard a few say I've been missing things/changing plans due to family lately... yes, this is true, but my girls are everything & I only have this next year where I'm guaranteed time w/ them as by next year they'll be 18 & 20 ! So, yes, my family gets priority over all...

I'm quite amused at people's responses & postings re: Olympic high-level anti-drug policies & political/religious/racial demonstration prohibitions - these aren't new rules & the Olympics *are* a greek-based *international* competition... one/single-nation 'rules' don't apply

a pic taken of me & my girls at Tues' Annual York Rite Sponsored Masonic Picnic kinda looks like they beat the 7 hells outta me :D

...was very cool they were there & had a good time

That’s wonderful and glad it was a good time 😃

a certain eldest is using my oven for the 1st time to make cookies :)

( not 1st time cooking, 1st time using oven )

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