Well, I am almost done with my comic "Captain Cooley and Kid Delight". I ate too much over thanks giving, so I have to starve for a few days to knock that shit off! I saw "War of the Worlds" with mr. Cruz this past weekend and all I have to say is, "What the hell has happened to Speilberg!" I mean, he dosen't have...
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I have been very busy lately, so I haven't had time to update my page. I am also debating whether I will keep this account, because I have't really gotten much feedback. As far as feedback on my art, I have chosen to put most of it on DevientArt, because that is a better platform. My goal with this profile was to try and meet...
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you're new here... which is why you haven't gotten very much feedback. you have to be around for a while, post a lot in people's journal so they can see that there's a new kid in town, post in groups and on the boards. it's a huge community, so you have to get people to want to stop by your journal. smile
I figured as much, but thanks for the advice. You are too kind! love
Today is hump day and I have been constantly bombarded by things that make me say, "Hmmm"! Well, actually things that make me want to scream, therefore let me share some. Check out some of the comments Synovve and I have been sharing concerning "Bambi and her Pink Gun". Also, I am supposed to have a lunch date with a lovely young lady today, which...
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Thanks for the comment on my set.
But...well..uh...they aren't "bitchy" eyebrows. Those are my real eyebrows in that set.
Thanks for commenting on my set! kiss
I have not produced any new art today, but have spent my alotted drawing time finishing my previous comic book project. I will be meeting with Jason and Nathan this evening,who both write this comic to discuss more about it's future.

Personally I love doing comics, however, I feel there is little money in it, especially for indepents. It pretty much works like the independent...
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Exactly! I find this humorous beyond agrivating. Just to amplify my theory that everyone steals ideas, I was at my friend Jason's house last night discussing our project, "Captain Cooley and Kid Delight", when we watched a new animated show called, "Minoriteam". There is a scene in our comic where the main character punches the head off of one of the villians, which was very similar to a scene in this show. There were a few other paralells which I can't think of at the moment. I have no explanation for this phenomena other than paranormal channeling of the ID.

Well enough about that, because I can feel my blood pressure rising. Have you taken any pictures of yourself that you might send me or post, I am not greedy, that I can use for drawing? You of course are free to be as creative as you want, however, I would not mind seeing something not like Bambi, but rather something new and original. Remember, that someone will think of at the same time and will show up before you do it.

I do have a lot on my plate, finishing Captain Cooley, Working on Dangerman and whatnot, but I find drawing pictures of you to be very relaxing and a great repreave from the doledrums of work.

This past Saturday eveing my friends and I went see Broadcast (one of Britain's finest groups of pop experimentalists) at the Majestic in Detroit. They were great! I had not heard of them until my friend Davecat told me about them. He said you like Sterolab and the yeah yeah yeahs, I said yes, so there you go. the opening band was a bit of...
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I finally posted the Danger-man concept designs in my pics. So go and look at the and tell me what you think.
oh, wow! i love 9-11, 14, 16, and 18. some really neat expressions there. and dangerman looks rad. i'm really anxious to see the final product!

i'll have to buy a watergun or something to take some gun shots for you, haa. i'll see what i can do smile
Cool, I am glad you like the pics. Yes a water gun would work. I assume you realize judging by a lot of my pics, that I am a little gun nuts, but I think the laser tag gun is the coolest, but it would kind of suck in a real gun duel unless a flash of light can kill.

I am trying to visualize the shoot out scenes with CEM and DM, but that's where some good reference with you would really help me out. I can always use myself for DM, although I am not a tall lanky guy.
I posted some of my Photography in my pics and more are on the way. I am availible for photo sessions if anyone is interested. Just email me.

I posted a set of concept drawings for Cross-eyed Mary in my pics (still working on the crossed-eye thing) as well as a few pics of myself. I am working on putting the danger-man stuff up right now.
I am staring a new independent comic book. My last one should be going into print soon, however, I still do not have a distributor. Most likely it will not be widely distributed, do to a lmited print run (1000) copies. There is also a debate amongst my collaboraters whether a full color comic is possible. This project is retty-much in the can, but I...
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hello sir! i emailed you.