biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

eeeee! i'm excited about life.
i have been living a 13 year old's dream summer so far and it flipping rules. i have been at camp all week, with my best friend as my co-conselor. so basically i have been getting paid to hang out with my best friend and do amazing things. the week has consisted of:
monday - swimming at the lake. i did a jump off the...
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luck you i glad that you are have fun this summer smile
all my family/work/roommate shit aside.

i don't think i could be any happier right now.

and it's all his fault. (not that it's a bad thing.)
my sister is in the hospital again.

every time she's there, i feel like what if this is the last time?

and it eats me up.

i may not have children, but i worry like a mother. i raised her. and i shouldn't be as scared as i am about this. i worry it's cancer (i can't do that again) and i worry she'll stop...
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i went and did kareoke last night. i did amy winehouse's rehab and i got every girl in the bar out on the floor. i'm pretty amazing. there are some terrible pictures of be swilling beer and being amazing. it was probably the most fun i've had in a while.

and today, i hear back about the apartment. whether i am officially approved or not...
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stats: 2.6 ERA and a .475 Batting Average.

you have better stats than me biggrin

you should go join this group.
i'm moving. again.

not sure where, but i need out asap.

she is controlling and semi-nuts.

edited at 7:02am

i can't help but feel a little defeated by all this. like i somehow failed. like this is my fault. i kinda had my inklings that this wouldn't be the most ideal of situations, but for me to move out is to almost admit failure. i...
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dont sweat it, just move on and chalk it up to experience. sucky roommates are a part of life. dont blame yourself just get in with someone you get along with. and for god sakes dont move in with a kid from maine. trust me, no maine kids....
Maine kids are lame...and wierd...haha...
someone, anyone. i wanna go see 1408. and i don't wanna go by myself. but i barely have time this weekend. tomorrow night i am baby-sitting, saturday i'll be helping liz and casey move. but sunday, would be excellent to see a movie. i'll sneak popcorn in and stuff.
baseball update.

this is ridiculous. in the AL east, the red sox are a whopping 10.5 games ahead of the blue jays (second place team) and a full 11 ahead of the yankees. now, i am not usually one to get cocky but this is amazing. what's more is, the losses we are taking are not hurting too bad. they're not really to teams that...
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i have been lethargic and sleepy today.

but i don't wanna sleep.
i can't seem to keep my room clean for more than a day. i clean it and then i end up having a crazy week and it gets terrible again.

i am looking at a new place on tuesday. i know, i just moved in. but this would be a better set up. dory and her bf and me in a really nice complex for...
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nicer complex's are sweet...good luck.
i knwo how you feel as i stare at my mountain of dirty clothes. the hamper never stood a chance...