Fear, loathing, a creeping sense of unease and most importantly tequila in unhealthy quantities. I haven't even been to work yet tonight. hopefully things have broken as bad as they are going to be tonight. Improvement would be welcomed...
Im posting this in the hopes someone will stumble across it. I have rejoined suicide girls because why not... idk what i expect this time but this seems like a place for me. i have to go sleep now. aloha...
I hear ya.... I was a member ages ago, then quit. there was drama going around about how the girls were treated. I kept getting the occasional email asking me to come back. I DO like the girls. I had met a few SG folk back in the day (Fatality was going to school here). So I'm back. Sadly, all my old profile stuff was gone.

Welcome back.
need to get some new pictures up. now that i have this fancy new mac it should be easy...except for my hideous lack of motivation...
I totally forgot how much I loved SG. I realized this on my 2nd hour of browsing upon being back. I got 3 months from an anonymous person? Or is it some kind of promo? Either way I got some serious t and a to catch up on.
Completely awesome night... chilled with a cool ass chick who bought me some pizza and got to watch a great movie at a drive in, which i havent done in way too long. i think i figured out tonight the death of drive ins was the center console in cars... must have been so much better with bench seats, much harder to scooch in close...
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You probably would have gotten one, but I have a cold. tongue Smartass.
up again way too early... im not sure whats going on right now other than i have to go to work for the next 13 hours... wouldnt be so bad if, no wait its just bad. i need some hot ass to come home to frown oh well good morning to all and goodnight to the cool ones...
I wanna be cooL!!!!!
I got your txts yesterday, but I was at the Red Sox game. smile
Why was your day so bad? frown
Christ, so drunk last night, jager shots and greygoose and cran, sooo good. the night started out shitty but got better than shitty again. why does my friend always feel the need to tell me im drunk when i know im drunk. i mean ive been drinking all day i hope im drunk by now. hes got this superiority thing and he can only pull...
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Yea you do. Lets be friends for life.
Starting ..... now.
Ok super. tongue

Txt me later, I left my phone at work earlier, let me tell you how unfun that was!
Excellence biggrin
What a fun night... bar hopped for a while, i love my bartenders, never have to pay for a drink...may have my own night on fridays playing house and a promoter pushing me... itll be nice to at least see my name on a flyer...
You could totally frame it.
And make it like a shrine. Lol. tongue
blah, blah, blah...work, do nothing, sleep, and repeat.. no girl no sex no fun frown
Aw. Hard life you live.
I totally agree, but in the opposing gender.
I'm so close to buying a blowup doll.
Ah, such a nice day and no one around... peaceful...so im gonna go sit my bare ass in the hot tub for a while maybe enjoy some good wine and figure what if anything im gonna do today. hope some people come by tonight, i always feel like an empty house without at least a small gathering is a wasted opportunity...lEveryone party at my house biggrin
Oh snap.
one nice part about being in the woods...
Killer night at the club tonight, really busy... met a cool russian girl, really sweet and smart... however turns out shes getting married in 2 weeks frown oh well...i had a good night otherwise and had a good dance floor all night. it's getting busier everynight ive worked so far, so cheers to positive trends...
i fucking hate getting up in the morning... really this is ungodly. was up too late last night talking to my ex brittany. i feel so bad for the girl right now but what can i do? her lifes so tragic but she seems intent on keeping it that way so...i wonder sometimes what good comes from still talking to her, but she seems like...
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awww. i hate getting up early. it feels like death.
and thats nice of you to talk to your ex.
i see no harm from it as long as you are over her.
later gator.