It's 5:57 in the am, very quiet here in the apartment complex on this Sunday morning. My porch garden is looking well, I have coffee and cigarettes so I'll continue my story. Shortly after my assignment to Fort Carson I found out the unit I was assigned to was to was heading to Afghanistan in only a few months. On top of that my new...
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It's 5:30 in the am and I'm going to continue my war story for now. We all came back from Iraq in February of 09 I had decided to reenlist for another 6 years shortly before returning. Why? I don't know. Maybe I thought I would have my life together better by that point and still didn't. Maybe it was the simple fact I had...
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It's 4:40 in the am I've been out of the army for a year almost and I still can't sleep past 4, no matter how late I stay up. If alcohol is involved it may be a different story but I tend to stay away from it as much as possible. It doesn't get along well with all the meds. My life if now consumed...
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I've chosen to leave behind all other social media outlets an use only this one. Why? I have no good Cingular reason, to many fake friends, to many statuses I cared nothing about. People talking about what they ate last night and with whom, and how cute their dog was. I give a shit not. Needless to say after canceling and deleting Facebook, Instagram, tumbler,...
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