Go know what kind of reply I will get from her, or one at all but it was absolutely driving me insane not being able to contact her.

I have no idea on what to expect but hopefully she won't ignore me or be horrible, I hope she won't but I'm not counting on it.

Ugh, love, it does fucked up shit to people

How are things going now? Also are you still running the U35 Munch? I didn't go on Saturday but will go to the next one.
but I just had to put it down.
I am so sick of hurting, I am so fed up of reading stories of love and kindness and crying within the first few lines. I'm so sick of seeing videos from people helping animals in need, or kindness being repaid to those who deserve it and ending up in a mess.
I'm so torn up inside,...
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This is super random but

I was telling a friend why I absolutely love a song by a Chicopee, Massachusetts band called The Acacia Strain. The song is called JFC (Jesus Fucking Christ) and it is hands down one of my most favourite songs ever. I will use this song as an example as to why heavy music is so important to me.

It's not...
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Looking through OK Cupid, Match, Blendr, Tinder is just so exhausting.

The fact that I and everyone on that site makes snap judgements on looks and information left just leaves me feeling cold.

For someone like me, it's exhausting because I have to always make the first move and live with the constant lack of replies because I'm either not attractive enough, or I've said...
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"Oh my love its you that I dream of, Oh my love, since that day
Somewhere in my heart I'm always, Dancing with you in the summer rain
Every night and everyday now, Though I know you've gone away
Somewhere in my heart I'm always, Dancing with you in the summer rain"

I miss her so much, we aren't talking at the moment and it's...
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Listening to "Eyelids" by my current obsession, @thisispvris while watching the clouds go by & thinking about life, love and everything in between. #Music really taps into those places and things I just am not able to vocalise and unfortunately the lyrics of others ends up saying what I wish I could say myself. Having#SlowCognitiveProcessing makes it hard for me to say the things I want to and mean, but having strong #Aspergerstraits too just makes it harder again. Saying this though, we are all dealt a hand that we need to deal with and get on with living life and moving forward, otherwise we will stagnate and ultimately waste our time here. I'm not 100%#Happy with where I am currently in#Life, but I've made changes in the last 7/8 months & although they aren't the happiest of decisions but I'm on a better path than the one I was heading down. I miss those that are not present or missing from my life right now, more than likely they won't see this but if I haven't seen you in person for anything from a few weeks to 2 months to 5 months to way longer, I still think of you. You may not believe it but even those I've fallen out with come to mind a lot, if only to wish things were different. Ugh, kind of a direction less post but I kinda just wanted to put it out there. #TryingToBePositive#PMA #Love #LovedOnes #Friends#LoveHurts #Pvris #WhiteNoise #Electro#Alternative #Sky #Clouds #CloudPorn#Spotify #Mac #iMac
@babal I have now job, I have no money, my partner moved back toLA and now has broken up with me because of the distance and even though we were open she can't let go that I played with someone / slept with someone else, I'm terrified about getting my rent paid and the job centre is an absolute nightmare. I've been crying all day and last night and I don't want to do anything but I have to go out as my name is down on the guestlist for a club and there are others who are going as my plus 2 and I need to go and support my friend who is the main dj tonight. I have so much in the next week but all I want to do is curl up into a ball, fall asleep and never wake up again. 
Sometimes in your life you are down and you have to fight to continue to live. I know it's so hard, but one day it will change, everything change, just wait, find new goal and be yourself!


Seriously cool. Horrific things happen when there is a conspiracy of silence. Good for him to raise awareness.
Completely agree @asbo hun

And I couldn't give a shit.

I've got nothing to be happy about or celebrate really. No one bothers apart from my parents, at least I have them... I wish I could skip it because going through it and feeling like no one cares is worse than not having one at all.

@babal She doesn't feel ready to talk to me after I played with another girl and we eventually had sex. We agreed, even when she was still in London, that we could play with others. I told her later the same day and I'm scared that even though we agreed that we could, that she will be far too upset and that will be that. 
Oh ok :$ I understand. Hope you're going to speak quickly!