My Morhing Bike Ride by yours truly:

The ride begins like almost any other ride, except i was a little late leaving the house so i pushed a little more on the first uphill so that i could make up some time. I get over the hill with only a little extra effort. I pedal my way all the way down this street and by...
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did you feel good after venting?

I feel like Philadelphia is one of the least bike-friendly cities... not just the people but the structure of the streets.

I did all of Forbidden Drive this morning, both ways, which totals about 10 miles- which is nothing much, but it felt good for the first ride of the season. blackeyed It's embarassing to say "first ride" in June.

Technically, my first ride was in March, in Cozumel, Mexico. biggrin
i work with a guy who rides to work
yesterday morning this car pulls up behind him a lays on the horn for no reason
the car then flies out around him and this lady driving kindly tells him to go fuck himself
this is at like seven in the morning with no other cars or people around
he just laughed it off and kept riding
this is why i hate philly drivers
Yeah!!! more biking stories ... I'm sure you cannot get enough of these.

So I have been biking to/from work jusr about every day this week. And i have been reading articles on how to bike so that you are increasing your stamina and basically training yourself to be a better rider.

I decided that i am biking entirely wrong and i am changing my...
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finally somebody else who understands the simple pleasures of rolling over young children and sea creatures with a giant ball biggrin
the sequel looks just as insane and addictive
maybe now they will explain the mysterious bulge in the king of all cosmo's pants, among other things.

i used to have a kick ass u-lock, that too disappeared. i never trust any other type of lock cause i have had a cable lock broken as well.
i had my bike for a whole six months before it was stolen
so i rode a beater around town for years as security measure. that bike was a tank. looked like hell but rode great.

I'm scared of bike problems on long rides.... the last thing I need is a blown tire or something when I'm 15 miles from anything.

Of course, I haven't gotten my bike out yet. blackeyed
So i went on a 40 mile bike ride yesterday. It was lots of fun. We started in Chesterbrook and biked all over the hills of wayne, devon, treddyfrin, etc. I even fell over one time (stuipd clipless pedals not giving my foot back quick enough) I was told by one of the old-heads riding with the group that i fell correctly and slowly (how...
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man if i did that much biking my ass and thighs would go on strike. I give you mad props yo, thats hardcore cyclin at its finest.
My record is 35 miles. But I bet I could do 40. Just not this week!

I wish I could be like you.
so i have been so engrossed in reading about bikes, bike maintenance and alternative (read car-less, bicycle-centric) lifestyles i have totally been forgetting about SG.

Well i'm still alive. and i still have not had a chance to ride on the new bike.
I got it on friday and put it together that night. I did not have the proper tools so I was not...
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So i got the bike i wanted on ebay today. I am now officially in more debt. But i will have a bike to show for it by the end of the week hopefully. then i get to take it to the bike shop and get it all tuned up and ready to go and i begin my adventures in the saddle.

But Now i...
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Congrats! That's awesome. I should get my bike out of my closet...
so i biked into work today and it took me 45 minutes ... puke That is so sad ... three years ago i was able to do it in 35 minutes.. I need to work on that..

And the first step to working on it is to buy a new bike (well new for me)

In an effort to temporarily feed my needanewbikeitis i skipped going...
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I think i'm just going to cancel the sushi event for tonight, there wasn't very much interest in it. frown
I wish you much ebay luck!
You know I had this long journal entry about what i did last night but i decided it was too rambly and i wasn't going to bore all of you with that.

the short version of what i did last night: rode my bike to a bar. Biked from the bar to a house that is across the street from the Willow Grove mall. Ate...
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I diagnose you with Needabetterbikeosis. Rob a bank and call me in the morning.
Since you are new here, I wanted to give you this link to my One Year Anniversary Journal so you can better understand what SG is to me. That's some crazy shit, and not just for the pictures. Read it.
So i had a party at my house on saturday. It was pretty awesome. I didn't go to bed till 6 or 6:30am and everyone had fun. No one broke anything and there was only minor spillage. There was beer, there was people, there was nakedness. Someone even had sex in the bathroom (i guess it would be Someones, it does take at least two)....
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I heard people did all kinds of shit in your bathroom....sex, someone hooked up with the stipper(apparently it was the same person) and I heard some talk of a blumpkin......you should rent that room out and charge by the hour.
eeek I missed out on a party and bathroom sex. AWWW MAN!!!!
more random stuff from the internet

if everytime you masturbate god kills a kitten what happens when a kitten masturbates?

ahhh, interesting question.

as far as the party. We don't need anything from you except for a stereo in a common area and places to keep the kegs cold.

but i'll call you later.
So i was wasting time at work today and my co-worker sent me this link GoogleFight

so of course i had to put in random combinations of things.

my favorite Sleeping VS Suiicide Girls
So the next time that I am up too late on this site I will remember that SG beats out sleeping.

that is all
ha ha, check it out, you beat me.
I'm getting good at putting the spin on the results.
Wow this saturady party is getting bigger and bigger by the friggin day. I hope my house can hold all of the awesome people that said they are coming. People are coming out of the woodwork for this one.


Yes! this party is gonna rock!
Thanks again for letting us use your place.
hello, i've had some delicious beer.
So I have this water leak in my house.
Well it's a leak now, before it was an ever expanding water stain in my foyer ceiling. I had a plumber come out and remove the plaster from the ceiling and find out why the wet spot was getting bigger. Turns out the cold water line into the bathroom has a very small leak (maybe one...
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water leaks suck
my ceiling at work leaks any time it rains. its a fun game trying to figure out where to put the buckets down.
its just too expensive to fix, so my boss makes us deal with it.