I wanna go see the Fun Lovin Criminals in Leeds on Thursday but nobody will come with me frown
I've got the coolest E.T doll, it says 'I'm E.T' and 'Ho ho ho!' for some reason.
It's a beautiful day and I'm going walking by the sea with the dog, to try to figure out what my long-term goals are and how to make them happen,...
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No-one wants to go see the FLC with you - that sucks. Maybe you should try threats or bribery. I'd go with you if I lived anywhere near Leeds
'Ey up, sorry to hear about the FLC gig. I'd offer to go with you but I have absolutely no money until the 26th due to me going to London to visit a mate next week which sucks. Though I'm going to see Killing Joke with a few mates at the Rocket on October 5th and possibly the Donnas there on the 14th as well - you're more than welcome to join us to either of them if you fancy it.
blush Oooops. Drunken text messages to punky boys not good when you're trying to play it cool.
Specially since I can't remember what I put, but I think the last bit was about the fact that I rule, so that can't be too bad can it? Arghhh. I hate this bollocks.
Right good party though, my friend's birthday, him and his lass are off travellling for...
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Hey there. Don't worry about the text, I'm sure it can't have been that bad. And anyone who says they've never done the same is lying!! wink

Know what you mean about nights out getting more civilised - this is the second time this weekend I've been out on the town and have been home before midnight which isn't good. Though I'm still wearing my Vibrators "Troops Of Tomorrow" T-shirt (which has a skull and crossbones with an army helmet on the skull on it) so, fingers crossed, I think I've got some way to go before I grow up yet. I hope so anyway!! biggrin
I had such a good night, last night biggrin
Went through to Leeds after finally making arrangements with lil punk boy, mmm so cute
Booked a hotel room which turned out to be lovely, even tho it was quite cheap, it was very posh and had lots of interesting gadgets to play with. We went to a few pubs, had a few JD & cokes,...
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Oooh... yay for you Ursa!

Sometimes there's nothing better than running away for a night of hotel frolics.

And yeah, I'm not a hippy or nuthin', but I'm sending you thankyou vibes...
Hey there, cheers for the comment - good to hear you're feeling better and that you had a great time in Leeds wink. Yeah, as I say, if we do get this tour going (and bear in mind that we're a good two months at least away from getting it together sufficiently to start gigging around Leeds let alone further afield so it's a very big "if"), I'll do me best to make sure we do a gig there at some point. Promise wink. Anyway, it's Friday night, I've had a cack day at work and the voices in my head are currently saying something along the lines of "go to the pub yorkie...you know you want to..." so I'm going to go for some beers. Take care and speak soon. smile
All better now biggrin

Sorry to hear about all the shit that's happened. I can't really say much as nothing as serious that has ever happened to me but I'm glad to hear you're feeling better.

Just remember one thing though - you are not alone. Everyone has days when life is so shit that they just want to scream - we all just deal with it in different ways and there is no right or wrong way to go about it. To (mis)quote one of my heroes Ginger Wildheart, "In the brain, humankind has been given the ultimate weapon in psychological warfare - it's just a pity no bugger ever gave us an instruction manual!"

Keep your chin up - I hardly know you but from what little I know of you so far I know you'll pull through it. (I hope that makes sense!! wink )
Hey you,

just popped by to say hello,...... and then i read your previous journal entry.

i guess you'll have heard it all before,and i'm no expert in life, but all i want to say to you is be true to yourself and true to your word.
we all go through things that knock us sideways, but we all can get through them, we just have to do it in our time and in our own way, but having said that theres always people out here who'll do what they can to brighten things up a little if you need em too.

Chin up girl,....you're not alone

you take care now

Scalliwag 0x0
Uh-oh, here we go.
I've been bulimic since I was 15, and for the last two years I've had sporadic bouts of depression where I work myself up into a worse and worse state of mind. I'm seeing a psychologist about this, she told me to see about anti-depressants, I haven't been yet because for three weeks or so I've been brilliant at controlling it,...
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One thing everybody needs to remember sometimes is that bieng depressed doesn't make a person a freak, or a charity case. It's just the way they're feeling. Maybe it doesn't always need to be 'cured', sometimes it's there for a damn good reason, and feeling down (really down) for a while is a positive thing in the long run. Gotta feel the lows to appreciate the highs, all that jazz.

I'd give you hug if I could, not because it'd help, but because hugs are nice no matter how shitty you feel.

I hardly know you, and I like you already, so there's something good going on somewhere, for what that's worth.
Yikes. It's really cruel how sometimes the only thing we can't control is our brain. frown I've struggled with it too. Anti-deps really helped me once upon a time.

re: Prince of Persia. You want the PC, Sega, or Super Nintendo version? biggrin
So the plan was to get pissed up and paint my ex, now friend, 's room.
The pissed bit worked except I couldn't be arsed with all the deep conversation that was going on and so I came to look at what was going down on this site.
I'm listening to the Poppies woohoo! And I have nothing of real interest to report except that...
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Hurray for wierd technological love.

And the Poppies, of course.

I was in the Cathouse here in Glasgow last night, having a wee bourbon with the DJ downstairs, when the bastard put PWEIzation on... I had to leave my drink (knowing he would finish it off) and go dance... he managed to keep me on the dancefloor for nigh on an hour then, while he drank the rest of the bottle! PWEI, Carter USM, Senseless Things, Sultans of Ping FC, then into Slapstick, Jeffries Fan Club, Operation Ivy, and on to old eighties sleazerock... Top stuff.
I love getting love on here...Pinky swear is kind of like what you said. It's much simpler-it's when you make a pack and lock pinkies. That's all...Thanks for the post. I'm sure you're a very wise woman and if I need advice I will certainly come to you. Thanks my dear.
It's Stupid o'clock and I can't sleep. Today I had a super day at the beach with my ex and his two nieces, I went in the sea in my clothes and got soaked, it was great fun.
He buried pirate treasure for them while I took them to get an icecream, and made marks so that it looked like a pirate with a peg...
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Woah, the Dead Pets! Yes, I do know 'em! A couple of the girls I'm mates with back here in Leeds keep telling me how good they are but I've not seen any of their gigs advertised for a bit so I've not had a chance to see 'em yet. Dunno if you know this but one of 'em (I think it may have been the singer!) was on that programme "Faking It" where they had to pass him off as an orchestra conductor!!

Actually, another Leeds band I would heartily recommend you to see are a group called Her Alibi - their guitarist and our bassist are good mates so we've seen 'em live a fair bit. Think Smashing Pumpkins/Feeder/early Nirvana and you wouldn't be far off.

Oh yeah and the Innocent Bystanders as well but that goes without saying! wink It also relies on us getting our arses into gear and bloody sorting ourselves out!! Still, we may finally be getting ourselves a gig in Oct/Nov...well, hopefully anyway...
I wish we had a sea, or ocean, or something. there's not even that many trees. what a great place i live. lol
I so so want a tattoo, but I'm not sure where to go for one. Not THIS shitey town for sure, I wouldn't trust any of the places I've seen. Maybe something nice and simple across my back, hmmm....
Me and puppy are going out with my mate today. The great thing about working evening shifts is I get to do what I want all...
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If you do get a tattoo, don't get pissed and get the piercing centre in Leeds to do it... trust me on that
which town is "THIS shitey town" exactly? i hear there's some kick ass places in Liverpool these days. i'm just to friggin' skint to go and get any more done frown
After all the stress I had getting my essays finished, you'd think I'd be all relieved and happy and shit, but no no, I'm just bored and tired and very hungry, for some reason.
Walked the dog, went to work, wondered what the fuck I'm gonna do with the rest of my life. Me and my mate are on about maybe buying a house betwen...
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Pan-galactic Gargle Blasters? Man, you're hardcore.
You Hail from Hull too ?
So thats You,..... Poprock,..... Crayon Scars and myself then ? And they say the people from Hull are dull ! You never kno,....we might be able to con some of the others into a meet up in Spiders one day ! Mind young Scars and myself would have to get the night off first !
I'm a lil bit pissed, and very tired, had a couple of days back at home in lovely Hull and saw all my relatives, not a fat lot happening, I'd put song lyrics or something in here except I want to go to bed and I've been promised a nice platonic massage so I can't be arsed and tara for now smile
Hello there honey.

Cheers for popping by... Did you get up to anything fun in Hull? I miss the old place sometimes. Used to practically live in Spiders. Mmmm... Tyzers... *drool*.

I am quite shoked and amazed by how wonderful your musical taste seems to be. Early nineties alternative is where it's at! EMF, Jesus Jones, Blaggers ITA, Neds Atomic Dustbin, Compulsion, Dub War, Sultans of Ping FC, Carter USM... and of course the incredible PWEI.

"Perverts, on your knees... for what you're about to receive... It's defintely def, that's deffo for def-heads, def to the un-def, def-un-def... yeah..."

I was still a little tipsy in my case.

I guess that just made me all the more comical...