A friend I've had since grade school is dating a guy that I dated over the summer. I like to pretend that the friend that I've had since I was 6 doesn't have a sex life, and now a guy I slept with might eventually sleep with her. WEIRD. Not that I get a say. I say that I don't get a say. Two people...
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News of the day:

1) I dyed my hairs peenk. Bright magenta.

2) Some dude smashed his way through 4 of our windows and a door so that he could practically bleed out in our house. That was awesome. Looking for a good bonding experience with housemates? I recommend staying up until 3 am mopping up a pint of blood splatter. In order to achieve...
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I can feel myself beginning to slip off the face of the internet and then off the world a bit too. I feel really surreal right now. Wish it were a better combo of things.
I barely use this site anymore, and I'm broke as hell, so I'm cancelling my account in January. The only reason I've hung on this long iis for the SGTC community. Though I haven't gotten really involved with those guys, I like reading their posts and knowing I have the option to do something on random night X.

Anyhow, if you're busted up by my...
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I think that my tendency to fixate really financially sinks me sometimes, and by "sometimes" I mean "especially in regards to halloween." Frick. I hope my costume turns out as awesome in reality as it is in my head.

In other news, I've been exhausted lately, and I'm not sure why. I think I know why, but this theory can't be tested until this weekend....
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I'm torn between saying that everything is different and that nothing has changed. I'm not sure which is more of the truth.

I'm such a creature of habit, and yet I hate the humdrum mundane. Every day I take the same bus to work, I work the same hours every week, I never take break. Once I find a new place I like to go,...
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I have a deaf housemate, so I've been talking excitedly with my hearing housemates and learning sign. I discovered a few online video ASL dictionaries. Tonight Jason and I taught ourselves how to say "I was a bashful fabulous zebra, but now I'm a reformed homosexual."

We're not too sure of our grammar though.
I love my house, even though sometimes we get retarded like a frat.

So, earlier this summer, some dude pissed in a bucket full of tools that was in the bathroom instead of, you know, pissing in the toilet. My theory is that someone wandered home drunk and decided to relieve himself in a urinal that wasn't attached to anything, and when he realized...
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I've recently come to realize two things. Well, four things if you count finding out that the USPS has their own marked tow trucks, and experiencing that you can indeed break specific previously-thought-unbreakable bowls in our kitchen. Oops.

The two significant things I've realized are that 1) I have a tendency to find myself surrounded by geniuses, and 2) I've never felt like I've actually...
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I'm observing a Jiu Jitsu class on Monday. If I like it, I'm going to sign up for the class. And then I'll sit in on the Wing Tzun class too. Take two classes a week--one of each.

I feel better all ready. All that sluggishness I've been feeling has been replaced by excitement. Perhaps the 10+ hours of sleep last night and the two...
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