can you be addicted to showering? my default response when stressed is to shower. Can you shower too much really.

I think this may be just because it is the only place you are guarenteed warmth as long as you have a working hot water heater. (and god I hate the term: hot water heater. It's redundant! Does no one notice this?)
I really HATE alcohol with a bloody passion.

But in this pre-ICON let me clean my room and finish my costume mood I am in right now.


but please remember kids beer makes everything but cleaning worse!

I got a paper back from a professor today who said she gave me a B+ because my paragraphs were too long and my paper was...and I quote "too heavy" to have such long paragraphs that aggravated her ADD. So I guess I'll chop it up into 8 sentence long pre-digested word bits. Then she'll like it. ::throws hands up in air:: SOME PEOPLE I...
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Whenever we had to do papers in HS mine were always way too long--even if I spent half the hour trying to shorten them. I'd like to read your paper..