I really don't fear death, but moments still come where I wonder what I could have said, what I'd want to say before I go..
First: you are loved. It may not be me, but someone loves you, and very well may depend on you. Also, don't be afraid to love. Respect boundaries, of course, but you have to love yourself before you can really...
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Play me the song of your storm.
I'll show you how to dance in the rain.
#feedthelight #starvethedark #bethelight #raindance #storm #motivation #inspiration
Within you is everything someone else needs. So even if there has been tragedy in your life, and you feel broken, it doesn't meant you're worthless. Trust me, when I say that, because I have felt worthless. There may be a "demon"
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Inside you, is more than you will ever know. Explore.
#feedthelight #starvethedark #bethelight #motivation #inspiration #discoveryourself
There will always be something to discover about yourself. We are always changing, always learning. We evolve who we are through self-discovery, and you can only do that by searching yourself. Explore.

As long as there is love in my heart, there will be Magick in this world.
I believe in true Magick. Not the kind that's "pick a card, any card" or "wingardium leviosa." I'm talking, the Magick that causes two people to glance across the room, and just know they're meant to know each other. The momentous feeling that takes over and causes us
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