Been so long. I feel like I want to bleed my thoughts across this canvas; but yet that would take a million years.

The girlfriend doesnt like the fact that I enjoy all the beautiful women on here.

The women on this website are bliss; they kick my ass and take my breath away.

Thank you very much. biggrin
thanks blush
Ummmm yeah I officially hate summer school now. Two hours studying.... What a dork
I'm curious about the job you were mentioning....it's not the usual kind of work I do but it's worth checking out.
Thanks so much for the sweet e-mail on my set! biggrin
P.S. Great Harley pictures. wink
Summer has been good. The ladies are forever gorgeous on SG and I love being a member. I want to head to a SGSF party but not sure on whether I will be accepted since i dont live in the "city"
some of us in SGSF don't live in the city. I'm near you. I read your topic in that group, and was wondering if you could give me more info?

my response to you
Three weeks since my last update. Shit school has been kicking my ass. Finals this week and then a break for a couple.

I work for an egotistical Texan by way of Oklahoma sorry ass so he has been making my life hell. If change is needed you need to be willing to make change. Am I? Nah, I have it good where I am...
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stranger things have happened..thanx for the lovin' support of the pseudo mini set~ms. kitty miao!!
Too busy to update.

Went to the doc. Got me some Xanax cause I am apprently stressed out. Watch out doldrums here I come. mad mad mad mad
My ass is tired. Not doing good in Humanities. I think that I need a teacher that I actually take something away from. The woman I have now is just bland. Its like sucking on belly button lint. She just doesnt do it for me. Why the hell are there classes that are required. Just becuase you take humanities doesnt make you a refined person....
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Awww, totally! Thankyou for your comment smile
Already sit your ass back because here comes an update thats gonna kick your ass in gear.

I was busy most of last week so no update so heres my best.

Wednesday Night:
Rode my Harley to class that night and froze my ass of when i was riding home. Where the hell is the warm spring weather. I did good on my history mid...
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Relationships are a wierd thing. You live 5 minutes away from the person that you care about but inevitably you need your space and time alone. My relationship with my girfriend has its ups and downs. Emotional stability is a plus in a relationship for both sexes. With the adversity that one faces on a daily basis of being in a relationship that stability is...
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This weekend was ok. Friday night I met some friends out and had a cocktail or two of fifteen. Saw Sin City. What a visual mindfuck of a movie. I might go again this week. All the players in the movie were superb. Frodo Baggins got ripped up by a dog and didnt even flinch. Youve gotta love violence for this movie. The hype surrounded...
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i'm only going to the game if the mariners are playing ;P
Going to see the Giants tomorrow night. The girlfriend and I had some good PG13 nooky last night. My feet were cramped after we were done.
Thank you but I couldn't accept that. ^_^