Te busco en cada gota de lluvia que cae del cielo, En cada rosa de primavera,En cada suspiro de mi corazon enamorado, Te puedo ver en mis sueños, Con tu carita tan hermosa y linda como un jardin de mill rosas,Tus ojos tan splendorosos como los rallos del sol, En esta noche tan solo miro asia el sielo y le grito alas estrellas que te...
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Got fucken drunk tonight shit face wasted shot of patron till I literally dropped now I feel like shit being this drunk sucks never gonna drink again and the hangover gonna fucken sucxk sticking to nothing but chronic from now on some grand daddy purple sounds bomb just bout now

In my mind random thoughts bring me pain, my emotions deteriorate, I wonder in darkness, a light I cannot see, shadows laugh at me, my insanity pleasures the evil with in me.

As I wonder the the darkness in of my mind the shadows guide me through the insanity,my past haunts me,my future seems to escape me,the present blurred as the definition of reality is unclear,I escape into fantasy but as I relive my sorrows in a made up world it slowly takes over and I find myself lost in the real world


It's going to be 5 am haven't slept my restless mind is driving me insane and what to I owe this misery to my stupidity after being clean for 6 years last night I had some cocaine now I'm tripping the fuck out.my laying down watching shadows dance in the candle light sleep escapes me and the mental pain becomes to much to deal with...
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