So I think I'm going to take a break from this site for a little while. I'll be back I'm sure but I need to get my life and my finances in order. Most of you who I talk to here on a regular basis know my e-mail and you shouldn't hesitate to write if you ever feel like it.

Thanks smile
It's contagious -- me too!

I have your email still, I think. smile
just got back from my break...good luck...hope stuffs gets better :>
My car decided to go to that big auto heaven in the sky last night. Joy...
That sucks. Was it a good car or were you ready to make a break?
I am back and I feel so incredibly good its unreal. I spent all of Thursday and most of Friday looking at art galleries in the city, eating in hole in the wall cafes, and drinking overpriced coffee. I'm not sure life gets too much better then that.

On Friday night I went to two movies, 25th Hour and Chicago. Both were incredible and I...
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I'm off for some rest and relaxation in SF. Ahhh..good times smile
SF is oh so good...have fun!
Wow, they finally put Ashes's new set up. I think I remember taking those pictures at least six months ago. Sometimes time really just passes you by without you even thinking about it.

Ah the memories...
yes, beautiful set, beautiful girl. why were you not at the x-mas party? i wanted to meet you.
I love that last Ashes set!! Nice work to both of you. She's so gorgeous. How're you feeling? My teeth are calming down...slowly.
Relationships are such a funny thing. It's so hard to find a good balance between enjoying life by yourself and and also trying to share certain moments with a special someone. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just better off being single the rest of my life and not even putting out the effort anymore.

And the really strange thing is, every time I start thinking...
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It's a tough balance. Maybe impossible. I think you owe a duty to your own happiness. Until you have children, then you owe it to them.
Ahhh how I love going 48 hours without sleep. Thats what I get for doing a shoot at 3 in the morning when I have to be at work early the next day.

It was worth it..oh how it was worth it. biggrin
Oh I feel like such a naughty boy updating my SG journal at work. Shhhh...nobody tell wink
Life is good sometimes. Life is very good. Yeah I'm broke as hell, just got a speeding ticket, need about a grand of repairs on my car etc. etc. but still, life is good. smile
I agree. I was chugging down Vine today to avoid a parking ticket, because I can't afford it. And yet, you gotta be happy to just be here...

I've been totally ignoring the entire world lately. I haven't quite decided if this is good or bad. I think I'll come on back when I figure it out.
I need to write more. I really really need to write more. I think I'm going to make it a point to set aside at least three hours a week for my own personal writing. I remember at one point in my life I used to consider myself rather good at it. It's amazing how much things like work, paying bills, shopping, and whatever else...
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Hey Shaden!

I don't have anything interesting to say. I just feel like shooting off my mouth. I'm gonna go hang on your site for awhile...
It works for me...

La La La!!!!!!!!

Well goodbye 2002 and hello 2003! Lots of interesting changes in my life on the verge of happening which is for the better in some ways and for the worse in others. Oh well, as usual I'm just going to ride with it and make the best of whatever happens.

I swear i need to have my head examined for choosing to work on New...
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where are you working tonight? Anything fun?

I haven't decided if I'm going out yet...it's either my friend's party in the castro, or reading in bed till I start making phonecalls sending people invisible kisses via cellphone...
Happy New Year! kiss You are better off working.

G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S profile pic!!! love love