The secret to happiness is finding a delicious beverage with a temperature inversely proportional to that of your surroundings.

Zombies really do exsist, and, sadly, they outnumber us.

Snails must be extremely patient.

Some music can make me feel emotions that no other experience has been able to invoke.

I like it when I read so much that everything gets blurry when I look up....
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Your name kicks ass! smile
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): ndescribable happiness is now available if you'll melt down your ego in service to love. The object of your adoration may be a special person, a beloved animal or place, or anything that stirs you to lose yourself in life's sweetest mysteries. For best results, heed these words from David Deida: "Give yourself to love itself, without a shred of you remaining. Die completely into loving. When you return, when your sense of self is recollected, you will be refreshed through and through, washed awake by the innocence lying wide on the other side of surrender."
Grrrrrrr!!! Ok, short short short entry today. I'm quitting smoking, and it's making me violent. Sg is turning out to be a nice little distraction. I have nicotine gum, but I've decided to stop using it. I want to post mean angry things, but I know I'll regret it. Lack of nicotine seems to be the only thing that makes me violent. It will be...
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PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I invite you to try an exercise in creative pretending. Ready? In all the ways you can imagine, stop thinking that you're outside, and instead visualize yourself as inside. In other words, suppress your tendency to fantasize that the good stuff is out of reach and hard to get. Picture yourself as being right in the midst of it. End your sense of exile and come all the way in to the heart of every matter. If you do this meditation ten minutes a day for the next seven days, by this time next week the world will already be changing to match the vision you've been building.
Take my license plate challenge before it's too late.
Uh oh! I was doing so well with the updating at first! But I missed several days! It's a slippery slope I tell you!

So, what's new me? Well... absolutely nothing. Now that we've covered that, I haven't had a lot of chances to log into this site, but every time I do, I walk away smiling. Some of the people on here are hilarious!...
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Oh my god. That whole post had me rolling.

Perhaps the buyer of the vanilla latte took the lid off to let it cool or share a sip with someone who had coodies and then tripped. And then perhaps some of the latte sloshed out onto the ground a became the vanilla latte tree. We can only hope. I know that I, personally, will hang on to that thread of potential latteness forever. I may even pluck one of my eyelashes and wish on it for the tree's inception.

I totally believe you are a squirrel. I mean, look at those nuts.

Oh, the Snape.

[Edited on May 25, 2005 11:38PM]
You're a good egg, my crew would enjoy you.
The users manual for this site is huge! tongue I should have read the rules first, but I'm glad to see that I haven't broken any.

Well, my first journal was just a few hours ago, but I thought I should tell a little about myself if I want to make some new friends. First off, you should know that I'm not really a squirrel. I'm...
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honey's are gonna dig you, man

SG's LOVE squirrels
But maybe, the latte drinker got full part way through. And now the latte is sitting in a trashcan somewhere, or in a cupholder, or in a parking lot outside the car door. Hope is not lost.

Bugger about not being a squirrel. That was really the only reason I decided to talk to you. wink
I have no idea what's going on yet.
welcome to SG and the friday night lonely hearts club.

i want you to know that i NEVER EVER approve brand new members who don't have any friends yet, but i was there to witness your first post and it was awesome. i just got a good feeling about you.

and the fact that you admit that you dont know whats going on yet is a good sign. most newbies jump right in and make an ass out of themselves. i think you know whats going on, more than you think. biggrin best of luck!
Well, from what I gather, you're not creepy or stupid like many of the new members who put themselves out there, so I thought I'd drop by.