Have you ever had something small just make your day and start you off on the right foot (or left if you prefer) for the day?
That WAS the start of my day today. It's one of those small things... So, most mornings, my routine is that I go to my local convenience store (named Wawa - don't ask!) and get breakfast and my iced vanilla chai tea latte (which I think I'm now addicted!). I've been doing this routine for years now and have gotten to know and chat with some of the ladies working there. There is one in particular that always has this infectious smile and great personality that I look forward to seeing when I go in. Now obviously, I know her name because she has to wear a name badge, but I got the surprise today she actually called me by my name from all the way across the other side of the store. I don't remember when I told her, but that she actually did just made my day.
It was a little short-lived as when I got on-line for work, all hell broke loose. But, she still made me smile (more than she usually does!)...