Wow, I need to get better about this. It's been far to long since I have posted.

Im very worried about our friend saveme. She is sick, and they cant seem to find out why. I'm sure she will be ok, it's not life threatening or anything, but I still worry. She is very dear to my heart, and I think the world of...
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I know its been a while, so here's whats going on.

This girl that I thought wasnt interested at all, Wrong..... Very interested...... Very, very interested. I know I cant do anything, but im not going to lie, I want to. I cant cheat on my wife though. I dont think I could live with the guilt. Maybe?I just dont know.
Wait, what girl????????????????????? Why do I feel so left out and far behind when I see you almost every day?!?!? Metrix? What do YOU think??????????????????
So, I don't know what to think. I love my wife. But I have a problem. There is someone else. Kinda... There is nothing between us. We arnt messing around or anything. But I want to. Is that a bad thing? I love my wife, but lust someone else. I feel that the feeling isnt mutual. Kinda wish it was, then I could get their...
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That is a tricky situation, especially as you think the feeling isn't mutual. It is not a bad thing to be attracted to someone else, it is natural. A lifetime is a long time to only be attracted to one person. I have no good advice though.
I hear ya. Its hard.
Diuscussion time. Hopefully this will help bring in some friends. This might be somewhat of a controversal subject, but I figured that is how I can get a good discussion going.
Ok, here it is:
Would you ever sleep with, have oral with, or anything for that matter with a married man or woman?
Be truthful. No reason to hide stuff. Lets here it. Please...
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Thanks for the comment, I think I should be one too wink
Thank you Mister. You're so sweet. smile

Ugh. I am sick. frown It's terrible. frown
Well, its thursday, another week winding down. Question, if you told someone that they could have some thing that they really wanted, and I mean REALLY wanted, and then told them they couldnt, is that really all that bad?
Ok, here it is. I told my wife, god bless her heart, that we could have a second child, mostly I gave in as she begged...
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i think you should just be honest with her and tell her how you feel. i think my brother was in the same situation with his wife, they just grew apart, they had an 8 year old, and then his wife insisted they try to have another kid, which they did.
right after that they "accidentally" got PG again.
so now they have 3 kids.
having a kid after one is somewhat grown has put a huge strain on their relationship....
i think it's really important to be clear about your intentions.
You need to tell her. The last thing you need to do is to bring a child into this world that is not completely wanted. It's not fair and it's rather selfish. Why does she want another child? Why don't you? Maybe you two need to sit down and really talk about it before you going jumping into it. Maybe you two should try couples therapy or something. I dunno, but all this needs to be discussed. It's not something you can just run away from or try pretending isn't happening. If you feel like you don't really want to be in this now having another baby isn't going to make that feeling any better. You know?
Dude. I have no desire to get my ass out of bed early tomorrow morning and drag myself to work. Yep, not even a tiny bit. Ugh.

P.S. I need to be your spelling teacher. It's making me crazy. wink expect wink

P.S.S. I'll see you soon. I keep wanting to say woo hoo it's Friday, but it doesn't matter this week. At least it's jeans day!!
I need to be carefull, ive been bitten by the Sg bug, or so im told. but I dont think it the SG bug..... anywho, Im working tonight, and taking my break to blog to the rest of the world. at least those of you that might look at this. its not very busy tonight. kinda slow and boaring actually. I had a mutal eval...
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I left you a long ass comment on your last blog that you probably didn't see and now you write a new one. Jeez Mister. What are you doing to me?! You have been bitten by the SG bug. It's a good thing, right? What other bug would've bitten you? confused

tongue More involved huh? What does involved include? You are so funny. tongue I dunno about you. wink Ask me something, I'll tell you.

I have my mutual April 13th. I am really not looking forward to it...yeah pretty much not at all. Not that I think I'll do that badly but we don't see eye to eye. You know?
hey there...thanks for the compliments btw biggrin hope you're having a good week!
I guess i'm confused. I love my wife more than anything in the world. But I want more. She is boaring, same old same old every day. No spice. Yes, I'm talking about the big "IT". One place, one position. No fun, no fire. I want more.

More to come on this......
Okay. I will wear pigtails on Sat. wink Go see my blog...
Haha! I am sure that'd go over great. wink I just made all kinds of stuff for dinner. I am going to my friend Holly's house on Friday so I made her a shepherds pie. It's her favorite. I made another version with 99% fat free ground turkey and sweet potatoes for me and then I had to make tonight's dinner. I did a turkey breast, the kids had left over mashed potatoes from the shepherds pie, and I had a sweet potato and asparagus. Ugh. I am tired!