Saw your profile when @bellatrix posted a shot of the Arkansas trio. Happy to support you in whatever way I can, even from Mid Missouri. I call this place, "SG hell," given that the community is just about only me lol. But I'm thrilled to support. Give me a follow and I'll do the same. Can't wait to see how your profile grows! Good luck!

haha "SG hell" yeah, I feel you there! thanks so much for the support and encouraging words, man! you rock!
You're definitely welcome! And thank you as well! Can't wait to hear more back 😄

Saw your profile when @bellatrix posted a shot of the Arkansas trio. Happy to support you in whatever way I can, even from Mid Missouri. I call this place, "SG hell," given that the community is just about only me lol. But I'm thrilled to support. Give me a follow and I'll do the same. Can't wait to see how your profile grows! Good luck!