Well, i'm in a much better mood now.

My mom arrives on Monday and i'm super excited! I'm going to make her a welcome back cake and have all the kids at my place to surprise her. I'm sure she'll like it.

Pookey gave me some excellent news! He told me that his parents found a duplex house in Downey and they are willing to...
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Did the McAfee work for you??? I hope so!! Cant wait to see you again!
I really hate it when people flake like that and waste your time. i mean, come on, you're a professional here, show some respect. Stop wasting time and act like adults!

Crossing fingers for the duplex.
Text "Haiti" to 90999 for $10 donation or "Yele" to 501501 for a $5 donation to help out Haiti in their enormous loss frown Let's make a difference together!

It is terrible to watch the news and see that thousands of people are suffering or have lost their lives. Just wish more help and food arrives. It breaks my heart to see so many people suffering....
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Red cross is also a great charity to donate to for this!
These people need all the help thet can get.
It is a beautiful day today. The sun is shining so nicely here in SoCal.

Lately I have been feeling lifeless. I have been home laying around and sleeping more than usual. I feel like the life has been sucked out of me. I have no energy whatsoever.

Tomorrow I will be booked all day. I will be tatting 3 peeps and hopefully this helps...
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stay strong smile
I went thru this same period about 4-5 months ago. It's miserable, and exhausting, and you feel like it has no end. It does. Stay strong, get some help, talk to someone, life will come back to you eventually, you'll just have to work a bit harder for it.
-sigh. I couldn't help but cry. I was working on a sketch for a back piece and just had to take a break.

I sat down in the same spot for hours. Reflecting. After so long of being strong and putting a positive attitude and giving advice, i broke down in tears.

There's that point where strong people just have enough and can't hold it...
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First you stop causing a landslide emotionally and mentally...stop your thoughts and focus on one thing at a time. When you allow everything to flood in like a waterfall that's when you get to the point you're at mentally. Oh yeah, tomorrow is another day sounds lame as shit but its true. My advice to you isn't that it will all work out or it will be better etc etc, it will be shit and difficult and heart wrenching and a pain in the ass, BUT, if you concentrate and focus on one thing at a time and NEVER give up, I mean NEVER, no matter what the outcome is you will always be better off than you were because you did your best. have a snack, brush your teeth and go to bed wake up early and start a simplistic/realistic plan and stick to it. Trust a stranger, I know what I'm talking about. I remember what it's like to have the world ahead of you and no matter what still feel as you do...it's a very lonely place to be, but you are never alone, it just feels that way.....and one other thing...just breath.
Well then dont, dont get another job, not one that you will not like that pays bad anyway, just dont, work for the unemployment and get it, then just work on getting a shop together, some kind of business that you would like to have, that is what Im doing, Im laid off right now and Im going to try to start a business out of where I live, that way when they call me back I will go long enough just to get a house lone and then quit, because I, like you, do not want to work at a job I hate.

You have only failed if you do not try, you will not get where you want to be in a couple of weeks, maybe not in a year, but you keep working at it and one day it happens, if you really want it bad enough it will happen, its not like you are asking for something big, you are not trying to be a queen, you are going after something that you really want and it is something that cane be gotten if you work hard at it, I have been where your at, I worked in a job that I hated more then anything for 3 years so I could get my debts paid off, I have done that now, it took me 4 long years to get there, I didnt do things I wanted to do or buy things I wanted to buy because of that debt, now Im free.

Just remember you just lost your job not to long ago, it takes a while to get things back together, it just doesnt come to you, you have to work for it and it will not come to you in just a couple weeks, it may take months.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.
-Rutger Hauer, Blade Runner.

We enjoy warmth because we have been cold. We appreciate light because we have been in darkness. By the same token, we can experience joy because we have known sadness.
-David Weatherford

"You never see the most significant things that are happening in your life while they are happening"
-Field of Dreams-

"Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists. It is real. It is possible. It is yours."
-Ayn Rand-

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

"Desperation is a necessary ingredient to learning anything, or creating anything. Period. If you ain't desperate at some point, you ain't interesting"
~Jim Carrey

"It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new. But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful. There is more security in the adventurous and exciting, for in movement there is life, and in change there is power."~ Alan Cohen

"There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning." Louis L'Amour

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss
Frustrated and disappointed.

Just when i think things will get better or at least help me get by they don't.

Yesterday I hosted a " Girls get together" for eyebrow threading. I was charging $5 per person and sent out invites and called people and sent so many text messages using Pookey's phone.

A handful of girls confirmed that they were going to show up....
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that pisses me of so bad, people can be so rude, if you cant show up tell some one your not going to show up, it isnt hard to do, it is the right thing to do, people always did stuff like that to me, but this is a little different I guess because you were counting on making the money, I would have been so pissed to.

I would call them every week until they get your case going, you should not have to wait on something that important, you need that money and it is your right to have it.

I really hope the shop owner can give you some work, you know how to tattoo, so they should give you some work.
Oh god, yeah, I hate it when people don't show for appointments and parties. I'm suspecting it may be partly due to the standardization of the 'kegger' type party where it just consists of very little preparation on the host/ess's part and where it's not a big deal if you fail to show even if you'd previously agreed to attend.

I don't know how you feel about hoodoo spells, but I have a recipe for a spell to draw business in what sounds like your exact situation. You need to get silver magnetic sand, Van Van floor wash, John the Conqueror incense, and Easy Life and Compelling oils. Also some 9 Lucky Mixture. You wash the floor and woodwork in all the rooms of the house where you do work (even the closets) with the Van Van, and then sprinkle silver magnetic sand in front of each room. And every day you burn John the Conqueror incense and throw the ashes outside. The Compelling and Easy Life oils you wear on yourself almost like perfumes, and the 9 Lucky Mix is used to perfume your clothing.

So, whatever that is worth....
Sigh- day 3 of the new year.

So due to my failure of paying my phone bill, the company suspended my line. I can only receive calls and textes. Which sux because i can't reply. I need my phone working because thats how i communicate with my customers for tattoos.

I'm barely making it. I just paid my rent being $10 short but Pookey helping...
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keep your head up lady! I'm in a similar situation with the finances...it's really tough these days, but one day it'll all make sense!
Tuff it out and do your best lady. Never give up cause that shit sucks. I can relate I live check to check and it's really a pain in the ass out there in the world.
Happy New Year.
Happiness and Joy... Joy and Happiness in 2010.
la francais ceat pas troup defficile. good luck!
EEeek! Don't know where to start! Just in such a great mood i can't explain!

I've been balancing out my life right now and so far things are stabilizing slowly.

I have been stressing out because i need to come up with money for everything and the unemployment is delaying. I sent a 9 page letter explaining all my reasons to why i disagree with...
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Merry Christmas...! I hope the work /money situation has worked out for the holidays...

You should change your profile photo to the brunette look.. Your far more smoking as a darker haired girl, it gives you that " Russ Meyer Girl" sexiness.
Im glad life is stabilizing.

Well they should at least call you up and talk to you about the whole thing, could you go in and talk to them about the letter?

Well Im glad she regrets firing you, she deserves to feel a little mental pain for putting you thru all that pain. I hope you can get the court date then to.

I really hope you can get some tattoo appointments soon, I hate when people dont follow thru with a plan. Oh, I want a reindeer candy cane. shocked

Getting $25 is always a big help, Im glad you got lucky on that one. It always makes for a nice place to live if you have nice neighbors.

If people dont want to buy the thing they should at least call you and tell you that they dont want it.

I hope the Christmas dinner went well.

I used my desk top on safe mode for like 8 months, it really sucked because I couldnt get it to have sound along with a couple of other stuff, I have a new laptop now, but I still want to get it fixed soon.

I really hope your sister finds a job soon.

Im glad your sisters kid is ok, but really sorry you got sick.

The tattoos look nice.

I cant wait to see the set.
Well it turns out that the unemployment is on my ex employer's side. They claim that i don't qualify because i "quit" which totally threw me off because i clearly told them that i didn't and i am suing my employer for unjustified determination along with other BS. So frustrating! Am i going to appeal? OF COURSE! I just want my rights and what belongs...
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your tree is very pretty smile

I hear you about the money sitch. It seems like every where you turn, everyone is stressed out about money, and with the holidays right around the corner it's only getting worse. Just be easy on yourself, you're in the same boat as a lot of us. It'll get better eventually. smile
I hope things get better for you soon sweetie frown Its tough all round isn't it frown Nice tree btw biggrin xxx
wow, you are looking really different from the last pics i've seen of you!
very pretty!! kiss
i ate so much on thanksgiving that I got sick LOL.

Im glad you had a good amount of people show up, you have a really good looking family.

You look so pretty in all of those photos.

Damn that sucks, I hope they get you the check again soon, they should have known better then that.

That just isnt right, I hope they give you the unemployment, she needs to own up to what she did.

She is a really bad women, Im sorry you have to deal with her.
Well you guys did have interesting stories! Sorry to hear about the sad ones frown . Things will look up for all of us soon, you'll see.

Today i showed up to my ex job. Pookey went with me. It was about a 45 minute drive on the 5 fwy, (you guys know what its like right? ugh frown hate the 5) and show up to the...
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Well Im sorry you had to drive all that way for nothing, but Im glad they are sending you your check.

Wow she really ask you to say you quit? Did she really think you would agree to that? You deserve unemployment for the way you had been treated.
You have to win, she is nuts! Good for you!!! smile Hey, lets do a dinner again.. that was nice... smile
So today is saturday... yippee... lol. Haven't been sarcastic in a while.

I'm doing better now. My headaches haven't come back which is a really good thing. My dad was trying to get me to give him info over the phone so he can help me out. It seems that my blood pressure is low. I take it everyday and it is constantly low. Dunno...
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You're right, you need to stand firm and enjoy yourself.

We usually bring in "orphaned" friends for our Thanksgiving and fatten them up as much as possible. But this year everyone has somewhere to go. It's actually a little sad cause we like taking care of people. Oh well, at least we know we'll have tons of people for our traditional after-Thanksgiving turkey enchiladas that we make. That always brings them out.smile

Not much has been going on, which is a good thing since I've been so lazy lately. We did call a personal trainer and will meet with her after T-giving and see if she can start whipping us into shape. I certainly need it.

I'm glad the headaches are subsiding. That's really worisome. Do you think it could be a stress reaction?

Be well. Lots of love.
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