Went up north of Bangor to look at some land yesterday. I've decided not to buy it though. It is 200 acres for $69,500. Which may seem cheap where you live, but is a little more pricey than I'm used to. It has paved road frontage, which is good, but I'd have to immediately invest in a couple of gates, because people are already dumping...
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my cat just turned 1... eeek

the vet said she's still healthy but that i should start 'watching her weight'...

i used to 'free feed' her and she would just eat the whole bowl instead of eating until she was hungry!! oink

now she gets measured amounts, twice daily, of calorie reduced food from the vet...
Waiting for the moving guys to show up. They called and said they'd be here soon. I got up about 5:30, expecting they'd be here by 8. Now it is 9:12. Thought these guys liked to start their day early. Got the handguns in the car and the long guns in the security cabinet, well padded. The movers will move the long arms but not...
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who said i felt sorry for myself? are you retarded, or just illiterate?
eat a dick, having kids is for the birds.

weird answers... surreal
Almost finished packing up for my move to Maine. Been washing dishes this morning. A lot of my stuff turned out to have mouse shit on it. Would prefer to have it clean before it goes into storage. Yesterday was my last day at work. Sad but joyful at the same time. Now I just have to find another job. Friday I close on my...
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Discovered this morning that though I own tons of firearms, I don't know how to load a grease-gun. Wasted a whole cartridge of grease and then had to go to the auto parts store to buy a new one, so I could pack the bearings on my trailer. Haven't used it for a few years and don't have a hitch on my present automobile. Got...
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Not much to report. Went down to Juli Moon's to say hello. Pretended I had business in the area, but really just wanted to see her and converse a little. Anyway, got a real appt. next tuesday. Hurrah!!! More floral work I guess. We seem to be getting away from the vegetables.