I find it amazing that it's been over a month, and yet it feels like nearly no time has past. I guess it goes with the territory of fledgling physicians.

Slowly working my way into the being an active and participating member of the incredibly intimidating community here on SG. Intimidating because I'm typically, and quite obviously, the rather typical shy but yearning male. I...
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Three weeks in and work is just kicking my ass. It's amazing and frustrating simultaneously. However, I suppose that if I'm not pushing myself and making it through uncomfortable situations, then I'm not learning all that I need to learn and therefore am pretty much missing the point of why I'm here. So, I guess that means everything is going swimmingly.

In what I consider...
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Late reply- but just wanted to say thank you for your congratulatory message! Best of luck with the new job and the new ink!
Aw thank you smile good luck with your job!
Everything's fresh, exciting, and new. Also means everything is unknown, unproven, and unexpected. Starting a new job, in a new city, in a completely new area of the country and I'm going at it entirely solo. Leaves room for a lot of anxiety and doubt, but also is given the chance to set up new plans, habits, and goals. It's a challenge I'm eager to...
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Thank you so much for the love on my new set! Best of luck in all your new endeavors!