but I did come up with some good stuff. Like this:

“You didn’t have to be so ruthless.” I glared at her and she reveled in her incredulity.

That’s kind of how we worked, hot and cold, vapor and ice; I could never match her heat and she couldn’t melt me down so we could coalesce as pure water. She was the kind of woman...
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This is April. National Poetry Month. I'm horrendously behind on my 30 in 30 challenge - that would be 30 poems, and kind, any length, in 30 days. I've got five or so so far. I'll try my best to make up the difference by the 30th, and post it here and on the poetry group boards.


Has anyone seen the new Ford "The Switch" ad campaign? I use Hulu and they run these two Ford ads all the time: this one white woman is a former BMW owner who switched the some big minivan thing, she has a young child, a husband, her FATHER in the ad traded in his Lexus for the same car, and she's fucking PREGNANT. This other...
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Ewww. I barely watch television so I never witness ads except for on YouTube. But I hope to not bump into that commercial. -_-


It's been a while, hasn't it? Well, I resolved my job issues, and I got an extra hour each day at work, so my money problems are less deadly. I moved out of my brother's house and have a room of my own that I'm keeping more or less tidy and my life has settled into an adequate routine, but I'm kind of stagnating....
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Kiss ! 💋

I've been working since September 3rd, and up until last Monday, I thought everything was just fine, until I had to fill out a few papers, which is when I learned I'd been working without getting paid since the school year began. Nobody on the agency's end told me, nobody at the school I was working at told me, and the family of the child...
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Well, I've been living with my brother hand his fiancee for about two months now, and it's time to get the hell out. My mother was supposed to put me up whilst I saved up enough cash to move to a place of my own, but her asshole boyfriend has created an issue that makes it impossible to move into my fucking house, so I'm...
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@cassendre I just might take you up on that; my Spanish isn't TOO bad...

I need to get a new browser. I'll probably use Chrome. Something seems to have infested my Firefox, but it isn't causing any problems for Safari, and I hear Chrome is really fast. Also, I have an interesting personal problem: Passover starts Monday night, but I work at a Catholic school, and their vacation starts on Holy Thursday, which is April 17 for those of...
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So, a few things happened:

1 - My ping-pong employment seems to have ended; I'm working in a Catholic school charming little nine-tear-old brat who has (MAJOR) focusing issues. I'm doing my job and, as usual, killing it!

2 - My money situation is STARTING to even out; I still have rent issues right now, but I'm fixing things up.

3 - Getting the ball...
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It's been awhile. Time to stop perving and write something! So that job I had? It fell through. And so did the next two. I did a week of part-time work, and now I'm unemployed again. I have a case lined up nest week @ a yeshiva, and a UCP (United Cerebral Palsy) gig I might get in Staten Island. I have options, but my...
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I completely understand the ping pong job issue but mine was related to my health. I would start working and BAM! Needed to be hospitalized for some weeks or doctor decided I wasn't fit to work. I wish you the best of luck and what about NJ have you checked Bergen and Hudson counties? <3

I think I have a job. Holy sweet mother of fuck, YES. But at tle same time, the new SG.com format is fucking with my brain. I can't even see some of these sets because they're for "members only." (Apparently, my membership expires March 15, 2014.) Now, in the old days, I could just refresh the page and that silly little problem would resolve itself,...
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Looking for work. Had a great job interview yesterday. I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to despair. This is bad because when I despair I get it into my head that I'm utterly unhireable. Almost every job I qualify for because of my experience requires me to have a bachelor's degree, which I do not have because I cannot afford to go to...
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Best of luck love at least u dont got my problem..great job offer but hair drug test puke I just wanna die ;(