@brubs damn baby girl I miss you so much!
So far, I'm failing pretty hard at this year's 30 in 30 challenge. I'm trying to use new styles that I haven't tried before (vinalelle, ghazal, and some other forms are what I'm most interested now) but I'm a little to afraid to get this off the ground. Then again, if They Might Be Giants can do it ("Hate the Vinalelle" is a song that,...
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I'm back in school, ready to finish up. I'm excited, but I had to apply for a late add, so my fate is still up in the air.
Wish me luck!
I hosted a boardgame meetup in Manhattan with kinky gamers. The next night I went to Queens where my friend hosts HIS game night. I wanted to hang out with my roommates and their hot single friend who seems to like me, but I think they left the house before I got up, and since I missed them, and had no costume, I opted to...
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