Three years ago today Katrina hit the town I love. A little over 1,800 people were killed.
This is what it looked like a little over a year afterward when I went for a visit.

Remember this when you vote in November.
Now this:

I have friends that are already evacuating.
It's going to hit the U.S. (hopefully not New Orleans) during the Republican National Convention. I've never really been political other than the old "Smash the State" cliche'. But I hope the looming disaster will be a reminder that we need to move in another direction.
I watched Obama's speech the other night. While I'm way to cynical to think he'll ever get elected (much less live till Nov 4th) I do think things need to "change" in this country. I just hope we don't have to sacrifice any more lives of our southern brothers & sisters for it to happen.
This is what it looked like a little over a year afterward when I went for a visit.

Remember this when you vote in November.
Now this:

I have friends that are already evacuating.
It's going to hit the U.S. (hopefully not New Orleans) during the Republican National Convention. I've never really been political other than the old "Smash the State" cliche'. But I hope the looming disaster will be a reminder that we need to move in another direction.
I watched Obama's speech the other night. While I'm way to cynical to think he'll ever get elected (much less live till Nov 4th) I do think things need to "change" in this country. I just hope we don't have to sacrifice any more lives of our southern brothers & sisters for it to happen.
Hah. No, honestly, I'm gonna need some help getting around, since I can't drive any time soon and Bean doesn't have a license. I may take you up on that offer. Seriously. 

That would be convenient, really. I don't think I'd have to worry about him making bizarre demands on my life from jail.