I need some advice. I'm a creative person and I like to do all kinds of things but I seriously can't decide how to do one project at a time or which to do first. Does anyone else have this problem and if so do you have a way of sorting out your brain?


Boy Oh Boy! It's time again to make resolutions for the most recently celebrated new year! Typically, while everyone else is promising to go to the gym and quit smoking, I'm refusing to make any sort of resolve to better myself. However as the years go by and my age increases ever so slightly, it's come to my attention that I'm not perfect. I need...
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Good luck with all your goals!! 

For anyone reading this who's planning on stretching their ears listen up. The stretch from an 8g to a 6g is probably going to be the worst so watch out and be careful! I just stretched up and my ears burn so much. I could've waited a few more days or even a week and it wouldn't hurt so much, I'm sure. It's because the...
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Going to a size 0 really hurts