Well, tomorrow is halloween. That means a party!!! I' going to. I'm being a geisha girl. I am bringing a camera to take pictures of the mayem that will be happening. I am giving up on Jason pshs. Ha! Not letting him bring me down. I do happen to think I am beautiful. And I am not a whore for doing this sg thing. Which...
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Thanks for the support on my set Cosmopolitan Night.
I really appreciated it!
Thanks baby for the love on my set kiss
I went to the eye doctor today. I have astimatism. I tried to spell it right. whatever So, I got both contacts & eyeglasses. The contacts for astigmatism cost $175. Cause they aren't covered by my insurance. I have really crappy insurance. They covered my glasses & contact fitting fee. But it felt so good to get contacts again. And I got a really awesome pair...
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oh thank you^^ i didn't expect such a great feedback to be honest, i'm really glad that people are loving it smile
Thanks for commenting on my last set! smile
I'm sick and it really sucks at the moment.Grrr.....
Sooo many people are sick. Hope you feel better soon. kiss
Drink a little Sambuca, I'm told that it will kill any known bacteria or virus. Hoping you feel better soon.
I have decided on being a geisha girl for halloween. Going to two halloween parties on the same night! skull

Found a pair of black & blood red feather wings for my one outfit for dragon*con. Then bought my sister an outfit for the halloween parties.Oh cruxshadows coming up nov 15th!!!! YippY!!! SkppY!! Less than a month away!
Well, I am starting to plan m new tattoo out. It doesn't look like I will be able to make the atlanta show for cxs though *boo face* It's going to be the start of a sleeve. Or I am getting the cruxshadows cross logo in the middle of my back. My tattoo guy know how I like and we have an understanding. Which I...
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thank you as so are you!
Thank you for your comment on my member review set The Devil's Work! It's nice to know that people out there appreciate a little fucked-up fun for Halloween!
Well I have been playing a lot of D&D lately. I wish I could play tabletop version though. I am still learning. I am a noob.I like my dorky self. This is why I loved going to Dragon*Con. And I will be going every year. It's amazing seeing a gathering of dorks. I can't wait for Bella Morte's new album "Beautiful Death" *Meep* Cruxshadows is...
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Ahhh the geek fests that are conventions. Haven't hit Dragon Con yet, though I keep getting told I have to.
Who knows, I might just hit it one of these years.

Hope you make Atlanta!
Well Cruxshadows are playing on my birthday in Atlanta,Ga. And I want to go so bad. It will be expensive but it is worth it to see all my friends. It would be an awesome time. Oh yeah Bella Morte's new album "Beautiful Death" comes out Oct. 4th. I am going to get it then. YeY!!!!
Dragon*Con was so awesome. Greyhound FUCKING SUCKED MONKEY BALLS. What was so nice was Jockamo & everyone signed a card the band Cruxshadows cause I was so late. It truely lifted my spirts. I cried really hard. I didn't arrive till midnight Saturday. I surely thought I was going to miss Cruxshadows. I would have cried. All during the bus ride I was thinking of...
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I am leaving for Dragon*Con soon. I am sooooo excitied. This is my first. And the first time the cruxshadowa faires are being in the parade. Cruxshadows fairies are basically the street team for cruxshadows at Dragon*con we pass out flyers and get people to go to the show which is confirmed for saturday. *Squeak* Oh by the way, Adam West is the grand mashal...
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Here is my overview of the Kill Hannah show that happend on August 16, 2008 at Mr Smalls in Millvale,Pa.

Kill Hannah was sooooooooo Awesome last night. Aime & Erica * I all went. It was at Mr Smalls. Gosh... I only saw hot topic guy there. The cute little one. I aksed if he wanted to get a drink and he was like im...
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Well, I haven't blogged this month so here goes. Got some fucking nasty comments on my last set. I really didn't expect that. But fuck yourself. Oh well, it's the fucking internet what do you expect. blackeyed

I have some really awesome ideas for the next couple of sets for me to shoot. Just got to find a photographer. Not sure about payment goes or how...
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Don't pay the photographer... SG will pay them if the pictures are accepted! Did you try finding an official SG photographer in your area? Its good to keep practicing for sets and getting better. Good luck! Dragon*con sounds awesome. Lets see pics from it? biggrin And by the way, thanks for the set comment! biggrin
Fuck em'. wink Can't wait for the new set. biggrin