It's National Coming Out Day!
I'd love to, I really would. My close friends know, of course, that I am bi-sexual and I have been since I can remember. I would love to come out and tell my mother, but she doesn't believe that bi-sexuality is a "thing."
She is a-okay when it comes to homosexuality, absolutely. Her favourite cousin was gay, and I was raised in a pro-gay environment. Bi-sexuals, though, just can't make up their mind - according to my mother. Bi-sexuals are just confused. Bi-sexuals just want to have sex with everyone. Sigh.
I am married, and I'm happy. I love my Heckler. I have no desire to go out and have sex with anyone else. However, being attracted to women is a part of me, and I hate that I feel like I have to hide it. I may not want to f*ck anyone else, but I shouldn't have to feel ashamed for looking, you know? Once straight women get married, I'm sure they still look at other men from time to time, right?
I am married, so me being bi-sexual should kind of be a moot point with my mother. Who I am attracted to is nothing she's concerned about. I can't stand it when she mocks bi-sexuality though. All I do is just sit there, saying that we'll just have to agree to disagree on those points.

I'd love to, I really would. My close friends know, of course, that I am bi-sexual and I have been since I can remember. I would love to come out and tell my mother, but she doesn't believe that bi-sexuality is a "thing."
She is a-okay when it comes to homosexuality, absolutely. Her favourite cousin was gay, and I was raised in a pro-gay environment. Bi-sexuals, though, just can't make up their mind - according to my mother. Bi-sexuals are just confused. Bi-sexuals just want to have sex with everyone. Sigh.
I am married, and I'm happy. I love my Heckler. I have no desire to go out and have sex with anyone else. However, being attracted to women is a part of me, and I hate that I feel like I have to hide it. I may not want to f*ck anyone else, but I shouldn't have to feel ashamed for looking, you know? Once straight women get married, I'm sure they still look at other men from time to time, right?
I am married, so me being bi-sexual should kind of be a moot point with my mother. Who I am attracted to is nothing she's concerned about. I can't stand it when she mocks bi-sexuality though. All I do is just sit there, saying that we'll just have to agree to disagree on those points.

Regardless, just continue being you - I think it's working for you