So I have been MIA for quite some time. That is because I moved, I got two kittens (completely unplanned) and a puppy (planned) and I work like a slave.
The unplanned cat # 1: Sylphy: there were many strays inhabiting the old property I stayed in. We weren't allowed pets but we would sneak food to them and even managed to have one or two fixed, despite protests from my cat-hating, passive-aggressive neighbors. We must have missed one cat though because when next we looked there were kittens. Cat-hater neighbors were planning on sending them to the SPCA. I figured that since I was planning on adopting a cat once I moved anyway I would remove a step and simply take one with me and give it a good home instead of perhaps being put down at at the SPCA. I picked Sylphy, a very pretty grey-green eyed calico with a pixie face because she was the most curious and cheeky of the litter. She even tolerated head scratches in exchange for tuna when fist we met. The moment I picked her up, she bit me puncturing a hole right through my index finger and pooped all over me. It was then that I knew that she had chosen me too, in typical asshole cat fashion. She spent the next few days hiding in-between boxes, crying and punishing me by pooping in inappropriate places. Particularly unpleasant cat poops since the tuna was wreaking its own vengeance on her poor kitten tummy. On day 3 all of a sudden she called truce by coming out from behind the futon, meowing balefully then wrapping herself around my legs. It was as if to say "Well fine then, you will do". Since then she sleeps on the bed, on my chest. She has even let me wash her and take her to the vet all without protest and I am now completely her favorite. Perhaps it is reverse psychology and she is lulling her adopted slave-human into a false sense of control until she eats my face whilst I sleep.

I did not mention that the new kitty pooping, crying drama all happened right during our move. So as if being caught by a giant, being removed from your mom/sibling and being sick was not enough a move needed to be added to the equation for poor Sylphy. The next day the movers arrived three hours early. I had been so busy at work and with Sylphy that I was not at all prepared. I really wanted to tell them to fuck off and come back at the agreed upon hour but I am soft. Instead the dregs were not packed in boxes as we wanted but hastily hurled into garbage bags. Since the move happened earlier than anticipated we were at least able to settle in more that evening. Here is to seeing the bright side. Also oddly, Sylphy was way happier in the new abode at least
The new abode.
Since Sylphy was much less grumpy in the new place she rewarded me by not making ninja cat poops and by sleeping on my face rather than chest and also biting my ears to wake me for playtime in the middle of the night. My assessment of the new place at this stage is: too exhausted for evaluation due to cleaning, unpacking of boxes in my off time whilst still teaching regular long hours and due to Sylphy the asshole. Weirdly enough the place I call home now is where I shot sweater puppies. I have a lot of good memories here already. A good friend of mine has been staying there for years and another of my friends is buying the place and I am renting it from her. A complicated affair to be sure but one that has ensured the place is steeped in good juju.
Fluffy beastie #2/ Planned pup: Apparently I did not think I was tired and busy enough so I chose to get a dog from SPCA too. Just a hint: don't go to the SPCA when you are feeling a bit emotional eg: when you have just moved and are sleep deprived. I found myself walking past the grown doggies tearing up cos I felt bad that I was taking a pup instead of a full grown dog. I needed to be sure that Sylphy would be safe with the doggie. It just upset me to know that it is pretty certain the pups will get adopted but not so much the adults. Anyhow. Arroia came with me and after I got my emotions under control I chose an incredibly robust, beautiful German-Shepard-Collie-Combo dog of cleverness. I could not go home with her that day because the mandatory property inspection and interview had yet to happen. The evening was spent arguing with Cuddlefish about sensible doggie names like Trogdor and Slaggathor. The last 2 names on the list were Maeve and Ripley. Cuddles said she could not be a Ripley because she is pretty. He is an asshole too sometimes, like Sylphy. Since he had no say in the adoption or naming of Sylphy I allowed him to have the final say and she became Maeve. It suits her well though.

Unplanned fluffy #2: That was meant to be the extent of our menagerie. Hamster, cat and doggie. The powers that be had other ideas. The very next day I heard a plaintiff meowing and I immediately searched for Sylphy but there she was, fast asleep on the couch. The meowing continued. Cuddlefish went searching and we found another little calico kitten under the house. I had seen her being chased by a big tom earlier that day but assumed she belonged to the neighbor and had gone back into his property and I decided not to interfere. It turns out the tom had chased her under our house and she had gotten stuck. We fished her out, she was malnourished but clearly used to people. Probably a pet that had been lost for some time. So we fed her and she ate like she had never been fed before. She then proceeded to stand in front of our door and meowed to be let in. What could I do? Naturally I was worried about her and Sylphy fighting but I was not about to leave her outside. We let her in and no injuries ensued. After a few days of posturing and sulking they now sleep and play together but I do not know if I would call them friends, frenemies maybe. I would be devastated if I lost Sylphy and someone adopted her so we did the right thing and put up posters and alerting the local SPCA that we had someone's pet. There were no takers, so I decided that it was meant to be and we kept her too. I would never have been able to leave her at the SPCA due to aforementioned sappy Lumo temperament. In addition no one would adopt that poor, sweet , fugly cat. She looks like a bat eared fox or a Devon Rex with hair: all ears, gangly limbs and wrinkles. So we decided to call her Kyuubi, 9 tailed demon fox-kitty. Oddly, she is the sweetest of the bunch.
Here is a pic of both kitties and Cuddlefish

They seemed to form a better bond once Maeve arrived on Thursday. A coalition forged of mutual disdain for the canine enemy. Again I think this is mostly posturing as I saw Maeve and Sylphy in the same basket today for about 30 seconds at which point Maeve decided to check if Sylphy's head indeed would fit in her mouth. Sylphy was not really game and swiped her across the nose. All was done very with the best playfully Intentions however.
Things could not be better right now. I am going to sit on my arse, curled up with my animal babies and my husband under a blanket and watch warm bodies. It is gonna be another draining long week but I do not mind. I am so happy, all my stress is eustress, healthy constructive stress.
I have worked awful hours for good pay doing something I hate and I was depressed though I did not realize it at the time. Now I am earning a pittance and I am working long hours but I am happy I have truly discover what it is I want to do. I work in an amazing place where I am mentored by someone who truly inspires me. The studio overlooks the ocean and I watch bee-eaters and mouse birds visiting the paw paw trees outside the huge studio window. My days are spent in a state of cautious optimism.
The studio view at Sunrise:

The studio in general:

Thank you so much for the love on my SOTD. Its purchase and all the great feedback have been another little contributor to my current benevolent state

Xox L your crazy cat/dog lady
The unplanned cat # 1: Sylphy: there were many strays inhabiting the old property I stayed in. We weren't allowed pets but we would sneak food to them and even managed to have one or two fixed, despite protests from my cat-hating, passive-aggressive neighbors. We must have missed one cat though because when next we looked there were kittens. Cat-hater neighbors were planning on sending them to the SPCA. I figured that since I was planning on adopting a cat once I moved anyway I would remove a step and simply take one with me and give it a good home instead of perhaps being put down at at the SPCA. I picked Sylphy, a very pretty grey-green eyed calico with a pixie face because she was the most curious and cheeky of the litter. She even tolerated head scratches in exchange for tuna when fist we met. The moment I picked her up, she bit me puncturing a hole right through my index finger and pooped all over me. It was then that I knew that she had chosen me too, in typical asshole cat fashion. She spent the next few days hiding in-between boxes, crying and punishing me by pooping in inappropriate places. Particularly unpleasant cat poops since the tuna was wreaking its own vengeance on her poor kitten tummy. On day 3 all of a sudden she called truce by coming out from behind the futon, meowing balefully then wrapping herself around my legs. It was as if to say "Well fine then, you will do". Since then she sleeps on the bed, on my chest. She has even let me wash her and take her to the vet all without protest and I am now completely her favorite. Perhaps it is reverse psychology and she is lulling her adopted slave-human into a false sense of control until she eats my face whilst I sleep.

I did not mention that the new kitty pooping, crying drama all happened right during our move. So as if being caught by a giant, being removed from your mom/sibling and being sick was not enough a move needed to be added to the equation for poor Sylphy. The next day the movers arrived three hours early. I had been so busy at work and with Sylphy that I was not at all prepared. I really wanted to tell them to fuck off and come back at the agreed upon hour but I am soft. Instead the dregs were not packed in boxes as we wanted but hastily hurled into garbage bags. Since the move happened earlier than anticipated we were at least able to settle in more that evening. Here is to seeing the bright side. Also oddly, Sylphy was way happier in the new abode at least
The new abode.
Since Sylphy was much less grumpy in the new place she rewarded me by not making ninja cat poops and by sleeping on my face rather than chest and also biting my ears to wake me for playtime in the middle of the night. My assessment of the new place at this stage is: too exhausted for evaluation due to cleaning, unpacking of boxes in my off time whilst still teaching regular long hours and due to Sylphy the asshole. Weirdly enough the place I call home now is where I shot sweater puppies. I have a lot of good memories here already. A good friend of mine has been staying there for years and another of my friends is buying the place and I am renting it from her. A complicated affair to be sure but one that has ensured the place is steeped in good juju.
Fluffy beastie #2/ Planned pup: Apparently I did not think I was tired and busy enough so I chose to get a dog from SPCA too. Just a hint: don't go to the SPCA when you are feeling a bit emotional eg: when you have just moved and are sleep deprived. I found myself walking past the grown doggies tearing up cos I felt bad that I was taking a pup instead of a full grown dog. I needed to be sure that Sylphy would be safe with the doggie. It just upset me to know that it is pretty certain the pups will get adopted but not so much the adults. Anyhow. Arroia came with me and after I got my emotions under control I chose an incredibly robust, beautiful German-Shepard-Collie-Combo dog of cleverness. I could not go home with her that day because the mandatory property inspection and interview had yet to happen. The evening was spent arguing with Cuddlefish about sensible doggie names like Trogdor and Slaggathor. The last 2 names on the list were Maeve and Ripley. Cuddles said she could not be a Ripley because she is pretty. He is an asshole too sometimes, like Sylphy. Since he had no say in the adoption or naming of Sylphy I allowed him to have the final say and she became Maeve. It suits her well though.

Unplanned fluffy #2: That was meant to be the extent of our menagerie. Hamster, cat and doggie. The powers that be had other ideas. The very next day I heard a plaintiff meowing and I immediately searched for Sylphy but there she was, fast asleep on the couch. The meowing continued. Cuddlefish went searching and we found another little calico kitten under the house. I had seen her being chased by a big tom earlier that day but assumed she belonged to the neighbor and had gone back into his property and I decided not to interfere. It turns out the tom had chased her under our house and she had gotten stuck. We fished her out, she was malnourished but clearly used to people. Probably a pet that had been lost for some time. So we fed her and she ate like she had never been fed before. She then proceeded to stand in front of our door and meowed to be let in. What could I do? Naturally I was worried about her and Sylphy fighting but I was not about to leave her outside. We let her in and no injuries ensued. After a few days of posturing and sulking they now sleep and play together but I do not know if I would call them friends, frenemies maybe. I would be devastated if I lost Sylphy and someone adopted her so we did the right thing and put up posters and alerting the local SPCA that we had someone's pet. There were no takers, so I decided that it was meant to be and we kept her too. I would never have been able to leave her at the SPCA due to aforementioned sappy Lumo temperament. In addition no one would adopt that poor, sweet , fugly cat. She looks like a bat eared fox or a Devon Rex with hair: all ears, gangly limbs and wrinkles. So we decided to call her Kyuubi, 9 tailed demon fox-kitty. Oddly, she is the sweetest of the bunch.
Here is a pic of both kitties and Cuddlefish

They seemed to form a better bond once Maeve arrived on Thursday. A coalition forged of mutual disdain for the canine enemy. Again I think this is mostly posturing as I saw Maeve and Sylphy in the same basket today for about 30 seconds at which point Maeve decided to check if Sylphy's head indeed would fit in her mouth. Sylphy was not really game and swiped her across the nose. All was done very with the best playfully Intentions however.
Things could not be better right now. I am going to sit on my arse, curled up with my animal babies and my husband under a blanket and watch warm bodies. It is gonna be another draining long week but I do not mind. I am so happy, all my stress is eustress, healthy constructive stress.
I have worked awful hours for good pay doing something I hate and I was depressed though I did not realize it at the time. Now I am earning a pittance and I am working long hours but I am happy I have truly discover what it is I want to do. I work in an amazing place where I am mentored by someone who truly inspires me. The studio overlooks the ocean and I watch bee-eaters and mouse birds visiting the paw paw trees outside the huge studio window. My days are spent in a state of cautious optimism.
The studio view at Sunrise:

The studio in general:

Thank you so much for the love on my SOTD. Its purchase and all the great feedback have been another little contributor to my current benevolent state

Xox L your crazy cat/dog lady
I really hope you get the chance to go there!
thank you so much for your very thoughtful comment on my set, it made me smile because you are one of my favorites and you look so alive and feisty in your photos, so to hear these things from you really brightened my day ♥
i hope you are well and give your kittehs some love from me ♥ ♥