As usual things have been stupidly busy but the balm to the tiredness/grumpiness is my animals. I just want to lead a hermetic life with my furbabies. This week alone the animal antics include :
1) Sylphy (kitty) falling into the toilet
2) Maeve stealing Cuddefish's car keys off the coffee table and hiding them in my home studio behind the couch, causing me to drive 40 minutes home to take Cuddlefish to work. Then the key hunting commenced for three hours before I found them. It is funnier in retrospect. I think Maeve planned to never let us leave, so surmised the simple solution was to hide the keys.
3) Maeve peeing in my car on route to take her for a beach walk resulting in a R500 car valet expense, however after thoroughly messing my car she did put her urine soaked self onto my prissy best friends lap which he was obviously thrilled about. I have to admit was hilarious, almost worth the R500.
4) Cat washing, wet cats are really silly looking, nuff said. I was appropriately punished for laughing at my cats like an asshole by getting properly scratched. I kinda deserved it, but so did Sylphy, she woke me up by kneeding my face on saturday, the one day I don't have to wake at 3am just so I would let her under the blankie. Kyuubi also deserved it cos I took her to the vet for shots and asked him when she should be fixed, he said end of August and the very next day she went into heat and kept us up all night with her meowing. Off we went to the the vet the very next day to get her fixed.

Other than wanting to be a recluse and never leave my house I am thrilled about the fact that my mid term examination is completed and I did really well. 94 % will do. In between working like a crazy person and studying like a crazy person I have also been to Johannesburg for [MEMBER=Xaosnite's] birthday then back to KZN for Arroia's birthday and Vassilis' birthday. All of which were sensible adult interactions involving things like Spider-Man balloons

high minded pursuits like sharknado
and a ridiculous amounts of good grub (3 cheeses and cheese puffs to go with the cheesy movie, Maeve contributed by bringing in a cheese bikki packet from the garden also <3)

I also joined Lepsoc the South African lepidopterist club so I can get my creepy moth lady vibe on. This is probably meaningless to people who are not obsessed with butterflies and moths but it makes me very excited.
Cuddlefish is going away for work for way too long IMO so we decided to go explore before he leaves. We went on a game drive and to a reptile park where I made friends with a baby giraffe
and Burmese Python

who weighed as much as me.
I got a snakelet.

Knowledge is power: I learnt that I once handled a rather poisonous vine snake that I thought was harmless...oops.
We ended off a really good weekend by watching Pacific Rim which I have been waiting for in avid anticipation. So so good. Big fucking robots, big monsters and Guillermo Del Torro: what could be better. Any haters, just be still and know you are wrong.
Inbetween all of the above I managed to finish second way of ambush at Kung-Fu so we can get back to a Southern form. I really don't love northern forms, in particular the aforementioned so having that behind me alone would be enough to send me into fits of glee. To add to my elation my next form is one I have waited to learn for years: Southern Spear. I feel like a gormless twat with it in my hands right now as it is vastly qualitatively different to any weapon I have learnt so far though. The fact that it is tapered makes the balance feel all wonky to me. Still it is early days, maybe I will still be the next Balsa.

It would suck if this turns out to be a crap form for me all things considered. I believe I have a mid level test happening at Kung-Fu soon as well which I kind of forgot about midst the madness, so training has taken a back seat for a bit, hopefully this will push my focus back there.
random fluttery thangs:

Random Pilates

Currently I have this stuck in my head: Suzanne Vega The Queen and The Soldier .
It's a good song.

1) Sylphy (kitty) falling into the toilet
2) Maeve stealing Cuddefish's car keys off the coffee table and hiding them in my home studio behind the couch, causing me to drive 40 minutes home to take Cuddlefish to work. Then the key hunting commenced for three hours before I found them. It is funnier in retrospect. I think Maeve planned to never let us leave, so surmised the simple solution was to hide the keys.
3) Maeve peeing in my car on route to take her for a beach walk resulting in a R500 car valet expense, however after thoroughly messing my car she did put her urine soaked self onto my prissy best friends lap which he was obviously thrilled about. I have to admit was hilarious, almost worth the R500.
4) Cat washing, wet cats are really silly looking, nuff said. I was appropriately punished for laughing at my cats like an asshole by getting properly scratched. I kinda deserved it, but so did Sylphy, she woke me up by kneeding my face on saturday, the one day I don't have to wake at 3am just so I would let her under the blankie. Kyuubi also deserved it cos I took her to the vet for shots and asked him when she should be fixed, he said end of August and the very next day she went into heat and kept us up all night with her meowing. Off we went to the the vet the very next day to get her fixed.

Other than wanting to be a recluse and never leave my house I am thrilled about the fact that my mid term examination is completed and I did really well. 94 % will do. In between working like a crazy person and studying like a crazy person I have also been to Johannesburg for [MEMBER=Xaosnite's] birthday then back to KZN for Arroia's birthday and Vassilis' birthday. All of which were sensible adult interactions involving things like Spider-Man balloons

high minded pursuits like sharknado
and a ridiculous amounts of good grub (3 cheeses and cheese puffs to go with the cheesy movie, Maeve contributed by bringing in a cheese bikki packet from the garden also <3)

I also joined Lepsoc the South African lepidopterist club so I can get my creepy moth lady vibe on. This is probably meaningless to people who are not obsessed with butterflies and moths but it makes me very excited.
Cuddlefish is going away for work for way too long IMO so we decided to go explore before he leaves. We went on a game drive and to a reptile park where I made friends with a baby giraffe

and Burmese Python

who weighed as much as me.
I got a snakelet.

Knowledge is power: I learnt that I once handled a rather poisonous vine snake that I thought was harmless...oops.

We ended off a really good weekend by watching Pacific Rim which I have been waiting for in avid anticipation. So so good. Big fucking robots, big monsters and Guillermo Del Torro: what could be better. Any haters, just be still and know you are wrong.
Inbetween all of the above I managed to finish second way of ambush at Kung-Fu so we can get back to a Southern form. I really don't love northern forms, in particular the aforementioned so having that behind me alone would be enough to send me into fits of glee. To add to my elation my next form is one I have waited to learn for years: Southern Spear. I feel like a gormless twat with it in my hands right now as it is vastly qualitatively different to any weapon I have learnt so far though. The fact that it is tapered makes the balance feel all wonky to me. Still it is early days, maybe I will still be the next Balsa.
It would suck if this turns out to be a crap form for me all things considered. I believe I have a mid level test happening at Kung-Fu soon as well which I kind of forgot about midst the madness, so training has taken a back seat for a bit, hopefully this will push my focus back there.
random fluttery thangs:

Random Pilates

Currently I have this stuck in my head: Suzanne Vega The Queen and The Soldier .
It's a good song.

Oh man, I have practised any Wushu for ages due to my knee…sad times. But, i will get back on my game soon enough!! I miss good olde Fu!!!
This is exactly the same as yoga, in India with their belief in karma, they believe that we will already have been practicing for many lifetimes to be where we are at present and indeed may need a thousand more lives... I love that humans have created/discovered and try to practice so many different paths towards love <3